Ribs for Fifty on my UDS

Just a random thought - instead of simply rolling them could they be swirled/spiral instead (somehow pinned in place with skewers and perhaps jalapeño spacers)?

Did some quick math. I doubt you would get more than 10 per layer unless they were really packed in (which would mess up airflow). 2" per circuit would yield 8 (10 would be on the drum metal) 1 1/2" would get 12ish. Still would love to see the experiment of that many ribs on a pit (especially 2 layers - but that is one expensive experiment)
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Just a random thought - instead of simply rolling them could they be swirled/spiral instead (somehow pinned in place with skewers and perhaps jalapeño spacers)?

Great idea with the pepper spacers
I think the pepper spacers came to mind because I was thinking about doing ABT's this weekend. Bet 50 ABT spacers would be no problem. (I core my ABT's rather than split them)
I'll be interested to see how you fit all of that in....that's a lot of people to feed ribs to with one UDS. Hope it goes well!
Yeah I'm wondering too. I built some custom rib racks yesterday for the purpose and I'll post some pictures of them tonight.
I curious to see what you made.

In the next few days I'm planning on welding up a combination rib hanger and grate for my UDS using rebar and some remnant expanded steel.
Tapatalk is great. But try uploading pics into Photobucket and copying the IMG links to the forum.
I would love to see how to fit ribs for 50 in a single UDS. I've got to admit, I'm skeptical it can be done (assuming everyone eats their fill and not other meat item served).
I hoping it's enough. I actually don't know the final head count. But I'm smoking fifty pounds of spare's.
Here are some pics of the rib racks that I made and also my water bowl set-up on my coal basket.

rib racks.JPG
Well I managed to smoke all the ribs in one cook and they were fabulous, in fact I think I could fit on four more slabs. But I totally failed in the picture department:sad: With all those people hot for ribs I barely was able to get my camera out. So here's what I've got.
thin blue.jpg
Thin blue

not done yet.JPG

scene of the crime.JPG
going back on

ready to serve
Sorry about the pictures, it's the last thing you think about when your hands are all slimy in the middle of a cook.
Wow I can't believe how much grease is in the bottom of this UDS. I'm going to have to make a grease pan if I ever cook that many ribs again, there's got to be a gallon in the bottom of this thing. I'm going to pressure wash it!