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Rib membrane! Pull/Score/leave alone?


Babbling Farker
Jul 28, 2015
Reaction score
Hey quick and easy question for you guys. I've always pulled my rib membranes.. But I've seen other's that don't bother with that step anymore and just score it or leave it alone..

My question is if you score it leave it or you guys tear it off? I assume if you score it there's just not much left after the ribs cook? Once its cooked what happens to the membrane if you leave it alone or score it?
I pull if I can, which is most of the time, but on occasion you get that stubborn rack and I score it if it becomes too big of a pain to get it off.
Remove unless I'm cooking directly over the heat source.

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I've done it both ways just to see the difference. I can't tell any difference, but I continue to pull it. Why? No clue.
Just finished a rack of BB and loin both pulled. I always pull. Though when you cook to fall off the bone doneness it does "fall off the bone" if the membrane is not left on.
I know some people say they can't tell the difference, but I have sure noticed the membrane on many racks and I'm not too fond of the texture. I always pull. Takes a minute and results in a better product in my opinion.
What Andy said

Remove if possible, if it doesn't want to come off, score it.
If the ribs are on a grate (stick burner, pellet smoker, kamado) then I pull the membrane. If I'm hangin them in the barrel then I leave it on. I can tell the difference between pulled and not pulled. I prefer pulled but I like the added security when they're hanging.

Short answer...depends what I'm cooking them on.
I remove it.

I may pull after the cook.Way easier.Holds moisture.People=sweat the small stuff sometimes..They are Ribs,not a $1,000 Wagu prime rib.I prolly would not strip them either.Cook and have fun.There are NO rules.
I used to always pull, till I read Brother Adam's posts about scoring. Now I score in a small diamond pattern every time. Much easier and I think ot allows the membrane to shrink so it isn't noticeable.
Always pulled it in the past but have scored it the last several cooks. We don't notice any difference plus it's a lot quicker and easier. I guess I'm now a scorer rather than a puller.