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Oh no not the great "method" debate again. Where the chicken king? I bet hes weeping right meow.

Wow, I only managed to get to page 3 before my head started hurting. Is that thread supposed to be about the ribs getting really juicy near the end when you cook them about 275 without wrapping? That happens in my FEC all the time as I never wrap.

I'll admit I didn't read the whole thread or watch any of the videos. But "pig honey" is a cool term, I'm going to steal it. Thanks to whoever came up with it.
^^^^^^ its actually a good video if you can break the code.


Pig honey is when the ribs weep a frothy goodness, oh yea
Wow sorry, that video was almost as bad as the thread. I had to skip forward a number of times. Yeah the "pig honey" happens most of the time when I cook spares, that's why I hardly ever sauce them. Only on request. But leaving the membrane on the back? It only takes 10 seconds to take it off. Loin backs, I don't get "pig honey" as often, probably cause I cook them at a lower temp. Didn't know it was some type of method, I just thought that's what happens to ribs when you cook them at a higher temp.

Well plenty of us have left our branes in tact. Many swear it make for a juicier (more wet lol) rib.

You must not be verse in the ways of the Pitmaster T.

I owe alot to him. He helped me break down my process to zero and build it back up again, you could say hes my guru but thats kinda korny.
Yea, I seem to recall trying to read some of his posts. Add some Aretha Franklin, some James Brown, Rick James, etc., etc.

He may be a fabulous pitmaster, but I just can't get through his posts without my head hurting so unfortunately I never read them. Though I have great respect for people that try to teach others not as experienced.

I learned by reading posts from Smokin Okie, RibDog & Tom on the Cookshack forum. Picked up the toothpick method from him and it's never failed me yet.

Oh crap! I've just realized I've hijacked this thread. Sorry OP.

Back to rib advice....
Yea, I seem to recall trying to read some of his posts. Add some Aretha Franklin, some James Brown, Rick James, etc., etc.

He may be a fabulous pitmaster, but I just can't get through his posts without my head hurting so unfortunately I never read them. Though I have great respect for people that try to teach others not as experienced.

I learned by reading posts from Smokin Okie, RibDog & Tom on the Cookshack forum. Picked up the toothpick method from him and it's never failed me yet.

Oh crap! I've just realized I've hijacked this thread. Sorry OP.

Back to rib advice....
Good advice.