Restaurant Depot Info

Can this be any tax ID or do you need a food service business? I have an Outdoor power business and was curious about this.
Business license here. No tax # required. I'm service only, and have none.
The RD website lists the exact requirements for a membership. One can start the process online and have an approval document printed out, complete with membership number. This, along with the required tax cert/license is then taken to the nearest RD location. After verifying the certs/license in person, store personnel will key in however many cards you desire, spit 'em right out, and you're off to the races!
Our local RD's require a state resale certificate. Doesn't matter what kind of business as long as it buys and sells. Don't know about pure service businesses.
We have 2 in Minnesota. One requires a Tax ID and the other is 100% open to the public. Still don't understand why they allow this but so be it.
I belong to KCBS. I go to RD at least 1x per week, sometimes more. I used to show my KCBS card and request a day pass. They gave it to me no questions. However, for the past few months I just walk in a say KCBS and they look it up in the computer and hand me a pass with a handwritten #. They don't ask questions, don't request me to show them anything. I still belong to KCBS for other reasons, but it occurred to me that anyone could walk in there and say KCBS and be given a pass. Ultimately, they want you in their store spending money, so they don't seem overly concerned with all the "requirements."
I think that would need to join KCBS to get access to RD. Is it worth it for a backyard guy?

If you don't have good access to other bbq meat at places like Costco, Sams or local grocery stores then yes, especially if your local RD is close. Even if you have access to good product at local grocery stores RD is almost always cheaper and depending on how much you cook those savings can add up.

You can check out the RD monthly flyers on the site for prices on things to see if there is a savings opportunity that would offset the KCBS yearly fee.