Recommendations for a great grill basket?

I don't have a recommendation, just some thoughts. I use to deep sea fish weekly and have grilled a lot of fish. I have used several different fish grill baskets and never found one that justified the effort of cleaning over a spatula. I use one every once in a while for grilling vegies, quite handy for that.

For purchasing one, size, in all three dimensions, drove my decision.

{edit} On reflection, there was one instance where the basket worked very well. I had some nice Yellowtail fillets. I also had a bunch (several pounds) of fresh rosemary which I soaked in a bucket of water. I layered about 1-1/2 inches of rosemary, the fillets, then an equal amount of rosemary and clamped it in the basket. It steamed and smoked the fillets very nicely, and obviously made flipping easy. I loved the result, but SWMBO declared she was not a fan of rosemary. So much for that. :sad:
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If you are just concerned about sticking or stuff falling through the grates, you might like Frogmats.
I have a cheaper version and like them, but wish I had the Frogmats.
Those look interesting but the website says, "Not Recommended for use directly over Fire or Flames", which is exactly what I want to do.
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There's the Lodge.

It's a little wider.
I cook trout and redfish regularly with grill grates. Oil the grates and the fish and make sure the grates are hot. Cook the fish 30 - 40% of the way and flip n finish. Works perfectly. The grill grate tongs get under the filet and allow for easy flipping without mangling the fillet. I have tried Weber’s grill baskets and they are a mess to use and clean. Flip the grates over for shrimp scallops and veggies.