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landarc, perhaps I'm in good company... :)

BBQ Grail,

> Unless something is directed at me I choose to not worry about it.
Agreed, and generally I do the same. I've experience 3 of the 4 scenarios
I described originally personally myself, multiple times. It was, however,
the one scenario that I hadn't personally experienced myself but had seen
many times in the past 2 or 3 months that had me writing this to begin
with... I digress.

You're right about the ignore. I only found that part a few days ago, and
I'm now using it. Thanks.

To your earlier mention of the sales guy. He's mistaken. Being passionate
about something has nothing to do with being an *** hole. A person who
is passionate about something may and can be the nicest most polite person
on earth. Conversely, an *** hole may not give a flying rip about stuff and
not have a passionate bone in their body. In the case of your sales person,
sounds to me like he is probably passionate, but surely is an *** hole.

I dont think there's been a case where I've been rude or mean or nasty towards
anyone at bbq-brethren, with 1 exception. That exceptions was in a personal
message, and wasn't terribly bad, but definitely was sent to get a rise out them.
I was mad, it shouldn't have happened, but I had the composure so as not to
put that on a public forum such as this one.

To that person, here in a public forum, I apologize. It was off color, wrong,
and completely inappropriate. Perhaps they'll read this. Or, perhaps not.
It is now.

Q3: When did it become acceptable that rather to engage in a discussion you immediately jump into a "whose penis is larger" thing?
Q4: When did it become acceptable to call other's a liar here?

Welcome to the Internet.

Doesn't matter what the topic of a forum is about, bbq, politics, religion or stamp collecting - the behaviors you are dismayed about are SOP. It's why a very large portion of the population does not frequent Internet forums. Attempts at strong moderation are usually not well received and just attract more ridicule (Basso's for example).

Bottom line is if you don't have a thick skin, stay away. In places like this you're as likely to get a boot to the head as a group hug. You gotta be able to just ignore stuff and move on.