Question for the GF people

GF is Used regularly on here, almost as common as UDS...........:twitch:

Not trying to start an arguement, but OP made a vague post about adding wood.
When i think wood, i think splits. Maybe because i never used a stick burner, I didn't think you could gravity feed logs of wood.
You add wood chunks or mini logs to small firebox on Gravity Feed Charcoal Smokers if you don’t mix wood chunks in the charcoal chute.
I add my chunks to the ash pan, rattle the grate to get some embers on them, and let them smoke away. I've tried adding the chunks with the charcoal in the chute, but I never got enough smoke.
We do both, some small chunks mixed in the chute and some big as will fit chunks in the ash pan ( they last longer). And yes the ones in the pan will catch on fire but still smoke. Assassin 28 GF
We do both, some small chunks mixed in the chute and some big as will fit chunks in the ash pan ( they last longer). And yes the ones in the pan will catch on fire but still smoke. Assassin 28 GF

Cool, thanks!

How many briskets will that 28 hold?