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Enrico Brandizzi

Babbling Farker
Dec 16, 2013
Rome, Italy
Started separating skin/meat w/tablespoon.
Then I soaked chickens in boiling water for 20" and immediately soaked in iced water for same 20".
This is a 3 times process.
Pat them dry and oiled and rubbed w/Plowboys Yardbird rub.
Settled the 26 OTG kettle with superVortex and 2 full chimneys of lit briqs (too much, IMO).
Set the birds over stand supports and in the OTG @400F with some apple chips for smoke.
47 minutes later they were at 180 F in the dark meat and pulled off.
Some minutes later I pulled the meat and sauced with Big Bob Gibson white sauce.

By the way, the defat method works P E R F E C T.

IMG_5897 di BBQness, su Flickr

IMG_5901 di BBQness, su Flickr

IMG_5902 di BBQness, su Flickr

IMG_5904 di BBQness, su Flickr

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IMG_5925 di BBQness, su Flickr

IMG_5931 di BBQness, su Flickr

IMG_5949 di BBQness, su Flickr

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IMG_5976 di BBQness, su Flickr

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Those birds look perfect, Enrico!!!

I seem to be missing the de-fatting step though. Can you elaborate? Is it the soaking in ice water? How does this remove the fat?
I have boiled chicken parts before and a lot of fat stays in the pot. Maybe doing it 3 times with fresh water each time gets a lot of the fat out. That would be my guess. Birds look great!