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You obviously do have an opinion on the matter... you got on one of the most read BBQ websites in the world to start a thread. You own every post for your screen name, your friend can have his own opinion on his own account.

I'll skip the obvious fact that I don't make a living off contests, and just say i don't consider myself a professional anything. I actually have a finance and computer science degree... and took up BBQ as a hobby... I'm not even a professional at making stock, peeling onions, or chopping celery. Those are actual facts... not stuff you heard from some guy who you know, who had a buddy, who heard that at 31 Flavors Ferris was very sick.

I have been pretty open on the fact that I am the team you think is shady... skirting around actually mentioning my name is lame, just say it... Honestly your vagueness is more shady than anything I did. Calling my business and my team out as hiding isn't something I'm going to allow... its not true. My business is advertised as "Competition BBQ without Competition"... and lists my Transformer BBQ team name as well as my business partners (I Smell Smoke!!! since I'd hate to get a post about how I kept that a secret). The NEBS site, where I got the info on the contest... regularly has things from my business and my team. The point was to promote my business, so hiding that would have been a little counter productive.

Final thoughts: I stopped posting on and reading bbq sites because of this type of garbage. By bashing not only my team, but my business you did call me out... you, not "your friend" called me out. I am done commenting on something you heard third person, but did forward your posts about the organizer to him just to confirm he did say those things. I'll be happy to share his reply if he's ok with that.

So considering the fact that you charge people to take classes on how to cook competition bbq the way you do wouldn't classify you as a professional? :confused:

Yes Brendan, this thread was obviously targeted towards the Mann Orchard contest. The reason I was vague on who specifically, was because I wanted to discuss the principle's and ideal's in regards to some one of your experience level entering a contest that seemed to be promoted and geared to an amatuer or newby in the world of competition bbq. Obviously, it didn't evolve that way.

I understand your reasoning behind using your catering company name, but I'm just saying how it looks in the big picture to those that don't know that you have two seperate affiliations and find out after the fact.

Like I said, hopefully next years contest won't leave any room for missinterpretation on any ones part.
Yes Brendan, this thread was obviously targeted towards the Mann Orchard contest. The reason I was vague on who specifically, was because I wanted to discuss the principle's and ideal's in regards to some one of your experience level entering a contest that seemed to be promoted and geared to an amatuer or newby in the world of competition bbq. Obviously, it didn't evolve that way.

I understand your reasoning behind using your catering company name, but I'm just saying how it looks in the big picture to those that don't know that you have two seperate affiliations and find out after the fact.

Like I said, hopefully next years contest won't leave any room for missinterpretation on any ones part.
From reading your posts, it seems you are more upset about this than your friend. Perhaps I missed it, but if it bothered your friend so much, why didn't he confront the organizer immediately, ask for a refund and go home? Did anyone demand a refund and go home? It sounds like they were ok competing against a caterer and not against a KCBS experienced team. I figure if you are good enough to have a catering business, you probably can cook some good food, so it's hard to understand why they are mad..........other than they didn't win.
From reading your posts, it seems you are more upset about this than your friend. Perhaps I missed it, but if it bothered your friend so much, why didn't he confront the organizer immediately, ask for a refund and go home? Did anyone demand a refund and go home? It sounds like they were ok competing against a caterer and not against a KCBS experienced team. I figure if you are good enough to have a catering business, you probably can cook some good food, so it's hard to understand why they are mad..........other than they didn't win.

He doesn't have a catering company, Brendan does. My friend has approached the organizer. There was no entry fee, so there is nothing to get back in that regard.
I have not competed in an IBCA contest yet, but it is my understanding that there is no separation between "amateur" and "pro" and that you can expect to see every level of cook at these events.

If the contest makes no distinction between the two then I can't see a problem with anybody competing.

However, if a team with a Jambo Pit and several GC's under their belts decides to roll into some small towns fundraiser event with the intention of showing up the locals and walking away with an easy win then that is out of line IMHO. I don't think that was the intention of Brother Transformer.

I do see the point of both arguments though.
I still do not see the point.Where is there a distinction of who or who wasn't allowed. Me, I welcome competition from any level. It has made me better in any field that I used that logic in. I also am not too proud to ask thorough, pertinent questions of those who have more knowledge than myself. If you want to rewrite history, which you can't, I'd say Quit whining and start practicing. Steve.
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Here's the online advertisement for the contest:

From the Ad it looks like a contest run by Amateurs not some professional organization. It does say it's an amateur smokeoff not a smokeoff for amateur's. Looks like fun I think I will cook it next year. I sure could use a new pellet cooker :becky: (just like the one in my avatar)
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Here's my dos centavos...

Yesterday, I cooked in my first comp, the Red, White, and BBQ, in Westmont, IL, a KCBS event. I cooked on the "amateur" side of things. I had a farging blast: met some real cool folks, learned A LOT, and really raised the bar for me, and my expectations of my food.

I have NO problem with a "pro" competing against me. Why would I? Let's see...I saw the way the folks who've done this before came more prepared. I saw all the different equipment folks use. I chatted with many good cooks. I cooked ABT's, burgers, etc on my kettle, which passer-bys ate, and complimented me on (felt great!). I could go on.

Really, what I'm saying is, my competition taught me volumes yesterday without saying a word. Were there any "pros" on the am side? Don't know, don't care; we all got an identical, numbered box, to turn in for judging. Seems fair to me.

Did I win, place, or show? No. But I didn't have any grandiose expectations, I was out there to get my feet wet, show 'em what I got, and most of all, HAVE SOME FUN!

I accomplished all the three. And my neighbor who helped me lug things and whatnot, is now SOLD on bbq, and bbq events; he can't wait for next year, and I don't think he's gonna cook!

We ARE cooking for fun, a hobby, correct?

And in reality, I think the "pros" (my definition of a bbq pro is someone who buys a rig that's not your typical backyard que, competes often, perhaps has sold their food, etc) would be more pizzed off at the "amateurs" who enter, and win on the pro KCBS side, cooking on some drum they made. But do they, I don't know, but I doubt it. It's all about the food you submit, and I believe anyone can win on any given day, be it a drum, FEC, or kettle.

In addition, really, is not winning the couple of bucks really not gonna pay your bills this month? If that's the case, you're better off buying a lottery ticket.
You should probably stay in your backyard if cooking against someone that has competed at a higher level bothers or offends you. I have friends that cook in the backyard category that I hoped don't move up, I compete against big teams all the time I take the opportunity to observe and talk to them when I can. You should do the same just sayin!
There was no entry fee, so there is nothing to get back in that regard.

Wait. No entry fee and you / your friend have gotten your panties in a wad over an amateur / backyard event. Not to mention, from the Mann website
"This BBQ smoke off is open to all amateur and professional barbeques in our area. "

Way to blow things out of proprtion. Sorry your milk got spilled
Does your friend have a computer?

EDIT: Let him lead the charge if he chooses. At this point, it appears to me that you are just trying to stir the pot or are unwilling/able to let it die.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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