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Babbling Farker
Feb 29, 2012
San Berdoo, CA
Here we go again.. We need to eat so we need to cook.;)

We used Anthonys Mini WSM...

Anthony doing his magic with season salt only on this pork butt.

We got it steady @ 300 give or take. Anthony was checking every 20-30 min.

Anthony used 2 little chunks of oak. Little blue smoke..

After 1 hour

Done when it hit 195. took about 3 hours this was a 3.5 pound pork

removed the pot and grilled onions...

made some pico de gallo.. 2 tomatoes, 2 jalapenos, 1/4 onion, little bunch of cilantro and 1 lime. mix together and add some salt to your taste.

chopped the pork..

another shot of the pork..

plated with radish slices(chilled first in water) and avocado slices with onions...

close up...

Thanks for looking.
Anthony's Da man!! Now I have to go eat something, good thing there is some brisket left for a Beef Bean and Chili Colorado burrito :biggrin1:
Well at least you have the proof that the kids didn't starve while she was away. :wink:

The tacos look great, and it looks like Anthony is gonna be a great BBQ cook sooner than later for sure. :thumb:
In the Midwest we call them carnitas. And those look like great ones!

We call them carnitas also... But I remembered someone say to me before" they are not real carnitas if they are not fried cooked in its own lard" so I just named it pork tacos. I'm glad you know what we are talking about.:)