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is one Smokin' Farker
Jan 1, 2009
IE California
The local market has whole bone-in pork loin(Farmer John California Natural, no additives, a quality local purveyor), for .99 lb. I do not smoke loin anymore, and I don't make Canadian bacon. But I do love to slice boneless loin and pound it thin, then coat and fry for schnitzel or quick marinate/season and quick pan-fry on the BS griddle or CI.

My question is, if I separate the ribs off the loin, are those considered loin-back(baby-back) ribs? Or are they just baby-back rib adjacent, just below what we would buy as baby-backs?

I'm just curious, as I will buy them anyway at this price, and I will smoke the disconnected ribs no matter how much meat is left on them. I don't think I have ever bought this cut before, but this price excites me. TIA, Dave
the difference between loin back and baby back ribs is really about hog size, not location. So, what you will end up with depends on the size of the roast you buy, If the rack weighs over 1.5 pounds, you have loin backs, if the rack is less than 1.5 pounds, you have baby backs.
I'm sure they will make you buy the WHOLE loin, the cryovaced piece. I just think the bone(rib) attached might be the ribs below the BB's or LB's, like 6" below the spine. Hard for me to explain, sorry.
I agree with you. At that price, I don't care what they are called. The loin back ribs that I buy are the same as baby backs but they have some of the loin meat still on them. I would think that if you buy the whole loin in the cryovac, you could cut it however you like. I like to smoke a loin and slice it into fairly thick medallions for plating. I also like the loin back ribs that I've been buying. $.99 is absolutely great. Good luck, Joe