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Would it be OK under current rules to keep a Dutch oven warming in the smoker, then take it out about 20 minutes before turn-in and put a bowl of sauced pork in their to heat up a bit (putting the lid on to retain heat and NOT returning it to the smoker)? The residual heat from the dutch oven should be enough to warm the pulled pork, but is itself not a smoker and has no external heat source. I am splitting hairs, but its an interesting exercise.


Perfectly legal...
The rules should read that nothing comes off a cooker and goes back on.

But... but... but... I have to take the meat off my cooker to add more charcoal...

All (most) rules have the right intent - it's the details that hang us up.
Also known as loopholes. Eventually the rule book will be a big legal document.

fwiw, the complainers here (wink Scottie) think there should be fewer rules here not more. Maybe we should just use your wording... all meats shall be cooked "in the BBQ way"
Were to start .... were to start?
BBQ is regional. I had never had sliced pork or burnt ends till I spent about 6 months in KC last year. I fell in love with the sliced pork sandwiches at Danny Edwards' Eat It and Beat It. The southern and Texas traditions really don't have the sweet sauce tradition either. This is the Kansas City BBQ Society, burnt ends although not required are part of the tradition, so I part the point and make burnt ends. I cook multiple butts and slice some money muscle and leave a couple of butts on to pull.
KC style is not mine, but I am competing in the KCBS circuit so adjust my cooking style and live by the rules. The non-parting rule although cumbersome is not unreasonable as it puts everyone on the same page. I think the rule could use a rewrite only to remove any ambiguity that exists due to the syntax and to institute a clear context.
As a KCBS member I want the Board to listen to everyone's concerns but don't ask the Board to change rules or styles to suit your individual tastes or traditions.

just my 2 cents
fwiw, the complainers here (wink Scottie) think there should be fewer rules here not more. Maybe we should just use your wording... all meats shall be cooked "in the BBQ way"

Then we would have threads asking us for the Board to clarify and define BBQ. In other words .... 2nd Verse same as the 1st.