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Outstanding. Everyone should make their own bacon...maybe not a 110lbs at a time:grin:, but it is so easy and rewarding. Beats the crap out of the store brands.

Ever wonder why your store bacon crinkles in the pan? It's because they inject it with a solution to add weight and nitrates/nitrites (many times it will say nitrate/nitrite free but the use a natural product like celery powder that contains it). Homemade bacon cured from whole belly cuts in the bag cooks up flat and juicy. You don't have brine evaporating/steaming out of it when you cook it.

Awesome that you have access to a slicer. I use my berkel all the time. Expensive toy but so worth it. Even better that you get to use one for (virtually) free!

Thanks! For the record, I only did 55 lbs, the other 55 went to my buddy Dennis. He decided he didn't want to smoke it all on his BGE, so he built a smokehouse!

Once I was introduced to home made bacon (by Dennis), I never looked back. The difference in taste and quality is unbelievable. Keeping the nitrates/ites to a minimum is great too.

I don't know what I'll do if my SIL quits working at the butcher shop. Not only for the slicing, which is great, but 40% off prime beef rules. When I called her Sunday and asked if I could drop it off, she said sure. I asked how much I could bring, she said all.. I think she regretted that when I showed up. I had to help her get her jaw back up off the floor.
ok . i am at a loss . I have always wanted to make my own bacon. I got the brine you used . how long to you brine. ??
@ Popeye

The brine I listed was for Canadian bacon, I use a dry cure for regular bacon...

8oz Kosher salt
4oz white sugar
4oz brown sugar
1 Tbl Pink Salt

This makes a basic bacon, standard salty/sweet combo

Whatever else you want to use beyond that.. I usually go with
1 Tbl onion
1 Tbl Chili powder
2 Tbl black pepper
2 Tbl garlic powder
1 tea Cayenne
1 tea Allspice
This adds a more savory flavor on top of the salty sweet.

Roll the bellies in the dry cure, put em in a bag, keep them in the fridge for 7-10 days. 7 days, you should be good. 10 days, more intense flavor. flip the bags over once a day. Don't worry about the liquid, its supposed to be in there. Rinse cure off the bellies, let sit overnight, uncovered in the fridge, and smoke the next day to an internal temp of 160. This is just how I make bacon, I know there are thousands of ways to do this..
Can anyone Photoshop a picture of Rocky into that first and/or second pic??

That all looks outstanding, shagdog! Very nice work!