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Enrico Brandizzi

Babbling Farker
Dec 16, 2013
Rome, Italy
My first try starts with 5 lb pork belly. Never bought before so, maybe it's not the best one.

IMG_4246 di BBQness, su Flickr

Then I cross patched all the fat side

IMG_4248 di BBQness, su Flickr

And seasoned using SPOG both sides. I hadn't enough time to let it rest in fridge. Next time

IMG_4254 di BBQness, su Flickr

I was looking for a roasting action round 350F for at least 2 hours. So, I settled up my 26 OTG for indirect cooking using my 22WSM water pan and "the ring of fire". Added one chunk of withe oak and some apple chips.

IMG_4285 di BBQness, su Flickr.

Added the meat and let it roast for 2 h and 30 min till 150 F IT.

IMG_4257 di BBQness, su Flickr


IMG_4266 di BBQness, su Flickr

IMG_4272 di BBQness, su Flickr

IMG_4286 di BBQness, su Flickr

And sliced

IMG_4288 di BBQness, su Flickr

IMG_4290 di BBQness, su Flickr

That was simply delicious.
Thanks for stopping by.
That looks freaking awesome! Was raising the middle up just to keep it more indirect, or was there another reason?
I think that ball of foil is just so the belly wouldn't hang over the sides of the ring and actually be exposed to direct heat. Is that correct Enrico? Or is there some other function going on?

No. It was not to avoid direct heat. 22 WSM water pan was big enough to enclose the roast.
The real reason was to expose to the heat much more inside/deep fat and let it melted easily. Definitively it works.
looks good! i haven't done one yet but i really want to, this bbq place i've started going to has it and it's my favorite thing on the menu. you only cook it to an IT of 150?
May be showin my ignorance, never cooked a belly, do you cook the slices or is it eaten as is after the cook, looks delicious !!