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I actually thought about cooking one of those Sams marinated tri-tips or even sirloin tip- or both. But at 7* farkn degrees shoveling a path on the patio and a track in the yard- I'm deferring til next week. Forecast for Monday is upper 60's
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Sako has contributed numerous posts giving advice, helping others figure out issues, and providing pictures of amazing cooks he's done. So I think I'll give him a pass for the one post where it appears he was annoyed because someone posted a negative comment towards someone else....

You've posted 5 total posts, 3 of which were basically negative. Provide something useful please or post somewhere else......

Ok, Luberconn, you may want to try to not cook your meat so long next time. Helpful?
PBC Mugs are in!

I received my mugs today.....They are cool! Gotta say thanks to badbob for confirming (more than once:becky:) that they will in fact hold 10oz of liquid. I have a Keurig and always use the 10 oz setting for my coffee. Bob was a good sport even though he was probably cussing me while he was measuring out 10 oz of

The PBC site says they hold 8.5 oz so I almost cancelled my order....As you can see in the pics it'll definitely hold 10 oz, but that's about it!

Thanks again badbob! :thumb:

Oh the last picture is what the front of my house looked like today......


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I was going to smoke the pork tenderloin for my green Chili Stew, but it snowed about 4-5 inches and my ass told me to stay inside. :biggrin1:
It's all in what you are used to. That's still "going out barefoot" weather for me, if I'm just checking things. To set things up, I do put on boots and a sweatshirt.
I received my mugs today.....They are cool! Gotta say thanks to badbob for confirming (more than once:becky:) that they will in fact hold 10oz of liquid. I have a Keurig and always use the 10 oz setting for my coffee. Bob was a good sport even though he was probably cussing me while he was measuring out 10 oz of

The PBC site says they hold 8.5 oz so I almost cancelled my order....As you can see in the pics it'll definitely hold 10 oz, but that's about it!

Thanks again badbob! :thumb:

Oh the last picture is what the front of my house looked like today......

They do look pretty cool. I see they have the adjustable vent at the bottom. Be sure to keep it closed Andrew or you might get a serious burn.:p
It's all in what you are used to. That's still "going out barefoot" weather for me, if I'm just checking things. To set things up, I do put on boots and a sweatshirt.

Ok. You got me. I (my ass) wanted the stew quicker and easier.
I received my mugs today.....They are cool! Gotta say thanks to badbob for confirming (more than once:becky:) that they will in fact hold 10oz of liquid. I have a Keurig and always use the 10 oz setting for my coffee. Bob was a good sport even though he was probably cussing me while he was measuring out 10 oz of

The PBC site says they hold 8.5 oz so I almost cancelled my order....As you can see in the pics it'll definitely hold 10 oz, but that's about it!

Thanks again badbob! :thumb:

Oh the last picture is what the front of my house looked like today......
yeah i was thinking WTF its just a coffee cup that looks like a PBC who cares how much it holds its freakin cool
Had to get a new coal basket so I got 2 mugs and 2 coozies.
Gonna cook my 1st chuckle on the PBC for the National Championship game on Monday any tips or recipes Sako? And what's the best way to serve it up?

Nice Simco!

Oddly enough, I've done chuckies only twice and neither time on the PBC but should be the same regardless of the cooker.

First time I just smoked to about 160* and wrapped until probe/pull apart tender. Pretty much the standard.

The second time around I smoked until my desired bark which was still about 160, put them in a disposable half pan with sweet peppers and beer, wrapped until pull apart tender.

I gotta say I liked the "pepper stout" style better. You can simply do sliders to make it easy on you. :thumb:

Some pics



Made pressed sammiches also with horseradish spread and cheese which were amazing




Been a little busy. Here a some pictures from my first 2 cooks. The ribs and chicken was my maiden voyage. I tried 8 slabs of St. Louis style to give for Christmas gifts for bosses, co-workers, and friends for my 2nd cook. The flavor was good, but they didn't get tender enough due to time constraints.
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Been a little busy. Here a some pictures from my first 2 cooks. The ribs and chicken was my maiden voyage. I tried 8 slabs of St. Louis style to give for Christmas gifts for bosses, co-workers, and friends for my 2nd cook. The flavor was good, but they didn't get tender enough due to time constraints.

Nice work there. I have never done 8 racks at one time but I suppose that would slow things down a bit. Thanks for posting!
Happy New Year Guys! Hopefully everybody had a great time bringing in the new year.

Finally getting the chance to post some pics. Every new year's we get together with family and hit the mountain resorts to celebrate the upcoming year. This year we changed things up and decided to bring in the new year without snow by opting for the pool and jacuzzi in Palm Springs instead. :becky:





Of course the PBC again was part of the family trip. I used the PBC to make pork belly burnt ends








Close to getting pulled



Crispy on the outside, buttery on the inside


The rest of the meats were grilled shish kabob style on an open pit

Chicken, Berkshire pork (not in the pic), beef


Lamb chops


Needless to say three people there were impressed with the PBC and they're ordering them. :becky: So impressed that on the last night there they asked if I can cook some ribs. I told them to go get them and I'll do a little BBQ/PBC mini crash course for them.

They did. Only problem was that I left the hooks at home since I didn't plan to do anything but the belly burnt ends so I had to make some makeshift hooks. :heh: No rubs so I worked with whatever I had in the pantry there.


They also brought a pack of drumsticks so I seasoned and prepped them as well


Some like sauce on their ribs so my brother got going on it. We ran out or ketchup so he worked his magic and made non-tomato based bbq sauce. Don't know what he did as I was occupied with the class. :-D


This is the last pic I took and the ribs were devoured in minutes


It was a hoot but then there was about 30+ of us and you can't expect any less with a large number of family members together. Haha!

I'm a little late, but holy crap. Nice of you to be an instructor for the family and friends. Food looked amazing as usual.

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