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Daughters are the best! They have us dads wrapped around their little fingers from day 1. It just doesn't get any better.
Daughters are the best! They have us dads wrapped around their little fingers from day 1. It just doesn't get any better.

I have just the cooker to do these on too. She was so proud of the cooker we built together, she had to dress up for the photo shoot. My wife says she has my fashion sense. Man that hurt!
Great cookup & the young one is the best demonstration of how good the food are great, but the smile tells even more....

BTW, thanks for the idea of beets / smoked beets.....I've added mango chunks & played around with various seasoning, dripped under pork & just love 'em !!!!!
Great cookup & the young one is the best demonstration of how good the food are great, but the smile tells even more....

BTW, thanks for the idea of beets / smoked beets.....I've added mango chunks & played around with various seasoning, dripped under pork & just love 'em !!!!!

Awesome! I'm a beet fanatic. It's funny how most people respond when I tell them I'm making beets, they usually say "I don't like beets but I will try them". 95% of the time they love them. I guess it's just one of those foods that people had a bad childhood experience with and never tried again.
Great pics, great food, and what a sweetheart! I think you're gomna be in trouble in about 7-8 years though... Teenaged daughters are no joke. Enjoy it while you can! I swear mine went from 4-13 in about a week!
Great pics, great food, and what a sweetheart! I think you're gomna be in trouble in about 7-8 years though... Teenaged daughters are no joke. Enjoy it while you can! I swear mine went from 4-13 in about a week!

Thanks shagdog. It's no coincidence that myself and 3 of my best friends growing up all have daughters within 6 months apart. I guess we will be paid back for all the mental anguish we caused fathers when we were younger!
Good looking grub - I like doing that with ribs to make them more if an appetizer.
Your daughter is too cute you are going to be in big trouble in a few years.
Pig wings...I like it! Those look PERFECT for kids: easy to handle, easy to eat, and less of a mess (in theory!). And that smile, it's like she knows just how stinkin' cute she is and she's figured out just how much she can get away with. :wink: Great stuff, SS!