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Knows what a fatty is.
May 20, 2013
West Cornwall, Ct
I was in the grocery store last night picking up a few things when low and behold, I came across a pork butt. I wasn't really looking for one, but I always stroll through the meat department. Kind of an addiction of sorts...
Anyway, I could not pass up the 1/2 price sale, so in the basket it went.
I plan on throwing it on the UDS on Saturday and want to try hot and fast.
I am a recent convert to the method for brisket. Last one I did on my offset at 275 - 300. Seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and a little smoked paprika. Wrapped in paper at 170. Pulled when probe tender. Best one I have made to date.

Can I/should I follow the same process for the pork butt? 275 - 300, wrap in paper at 170? Same simple seasoning?

P.S. I would use the offset, but I will be at camp and I only have a UDS and Weber kettle there.


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Yeah that should work fine. Different folks wrap at different temperatures or even when the get the color they want. But they all seem to work. There isn't one perfect way to do it. I started wrapping more around 160 as that is typically when I have the color I want.
I only wrap butt if I need to speed through the stall (I am normally between 250-275), but that's just me.
I cook all my butts in that 275-300° range, and they come out great. I never wrap any of them--I would only wrap them if you're concerned that they're getting too dark.
No problem going as high as 300-325, if you're wanting to save time, of course I'd trim it a little more. Also, with those seasonings, you might decided not to wrap, as there's no sugar to burn. Your call depending on how dark you like it. Your initial plan will work well, just giving some options.
I cook all my butts in that 275-300° range, and they come out great. I never wrap any of them--I would only wrap them if you're concerned that they're getting too dark.

Ditto! :thumb:
I Vend at a local farmers market on saturdays and smoke a batch of butts once a week, been doing hot and fast since around May and have never wrapped!
I am guessing between 5 and 6 hours for my 9 lb butt, but maybe others with more experience will chime in.

Can vary depending on the specific cut of meat (the stall can be longer or shorter for no reason other than because it was). Even for hot and fast, I plan on at least an hour/lb. If it is done early, I can hold it in FTC.
I just did a set of shoulders on my UDS Hot and Fast for the first time. Let it ride at 315-330 for about six hours, didnt wrap, and they turned out absolutely Fantastic! I will do the same in the future for sure...
I picked up a few 6 pound butts at .99 a pound the other week, I was looking for chicken but at that price what can you do. 300 in the Chubby, both were done in 6 hours. I love hot and fast.
I do all my pork butts and shoulders at 275*. I always wrap after three hours, and add a brown sugar and butter coating as I wrap. I average 5 to 6 hours to being done with this method.