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Full Fledged Farker
Jan 26, 2016
Afton Wyoming
I wanted to do pepper stout beef today. We had a 3 lb bottom round roast that needed to be used. All I have read is that round a jerky or crock pot cut but I wanted to do a side by side test with round and chuck just to see what results I would get.


The round had a hefty fat slab which I cut off


The 2 1/4 lb Chuck had less fat on it but I trimmed it clean too.


SPOG and in the smoke with them both for three hours


At three hours with about 150 internal temp I put them in a pan together with peppers, onions, a small can of diced mild chilis and two bottles of stout. I covered it and came back 3 hours later.


I had been running the cooker at 275 and the liquid had reduced quite a lot so I added another bottle of stout. I flipped the cuts over an cooked for another hour until they were both pulling with a fork. In the photo below the chuck is on the left and the round is on the right. I could tell a difference in texture while pulling (the round was drier) but they both looked fine after mixing with the cooked down liquid and peppers.


I had my wife taste test without knowing which was which. She liked the round better. I think I liked the chuck better but then I knew which was which. In the plated picture the chuck is on the left and the round is on the right.


Anyway my belly is full and I have a bunch of leftovers.
Thanks for tuning in.
Looks fantastic Hunky! Thanks for the reportage. Both look delicious from here!:grin: