Pepper grinding


Full Fledged Farker

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Sep 5, 2013
I am beginning to appreciate the differences in effect of different pepper grinds. I am wondering what sort of grinder you can get that you can set to certain sizes. I understand you could grind some up and sieve out the right size, but what about getting the majority of a grind at the same size?

For that matter, what is the best sieving tool for pepper?

I have an old wooden Peugeot hand grinder that I paid $2.00 at a garage sale. It has a threaded top that allows you to adjust the coarseness of the grind. I don't care what anyone says about the French; those boys know how to cook! To reload it with pepper, there is a threaded top that is unscrewed. The thread is 14-24 which is just shy of 3/16" in diameter. Just the right size to fit in my cordless drill. I can now grind 1/4 cup of pepper in about 1 min. Hard to beat the preciseness of the grind, or the speed at 1000 rpm...:-D
A quality pepper mill has been on my list for a while

Here too. We have a Trudea combination pepper on bottom, salt on top that we got as a wedding gift. It's adjustable, I like it. It's showing some age, gotta hold the grinder just right for it to work. And of course.....its discontinued.
I didn't think, if you are wanting small amounts at a time. This is a better option. The fresher your grind is, the better it tastes. Also if you haven't tried tellicherry peppercorns they are amazing compared to regular old peppercorns from the local discount store.
I'm going to try one of these. I have several regular pepper mills and I hate all of them. It takes forever to grind enough pepper to say cover a brisket.
Get a burr coffee grinder. I use a cheap Mr. Coffee. I have had it a few years, and works great. Also works great for grinding sausage seasonings and rubs. Just don't use it for coffee after grinding spices in it.

I've have that exact same Mr. Coffee burr grinder.

It's used daily for my coffee and has worked perfectly for the past 3 years.

It is extremely easy to adjust the grain size you want. The grains are very uniform in size, too.

I've never tried using spices in it.

I have a small hand crank model that works fine for that.
Grandfathers Grinders

They Don't make them like this any more!



Got to be 80 + years old
I looked a some at yard/garage sales (bought a few, less than $1 only)

The one I ended up loving, you dont 'twist' the top, it has a crank, really puts out the pepper! The little 'nut' that holds the crank on, you remove the crank to fill, also adjusts the coarseness of grind.

Only problem is, it dosent hold enough pepper before time to refill.
