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Jeff S.

Full Fledged Farker
Apr 20, 2010
Coeur d alene, Idaho
Just curious what you guys, and gals think of this finish.


Thought this one might help too
a little too much sauce for me, but they do look great :thumb:
All good stuf, thank you.

Actually they had a very thin brushing of sauce during the last 45 minutes of cooking, once per side, and 20 minutes or so to set each side, then I glazed them as soon as I pulled them.

I think the photos, lighting, reflection gave the photos kid of a strange glow, made the sauce look much thicker than it actually was.

I do thank you all for your input. This is the only forum that I would even ask such a question.

Next finish will be a very light brush with the sauce and I will make certain that it doesnt pool up between the bones. Then glaze like I did these.

I let many people sample these, and had some very positive results from all of them. I really liked the look of the glaze. Very shiny and even, no dull spots.

Thanks again!
I'd cook that glaze on more. You can always bring back the shine with a mist of hot water just before boxing, if needed.