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Talk about a worst-case scenario for someone simply trying to share some of the finer things in life with others.

It is a horrible thing that happened, but there's nothing you could have done different that would have changed the situation. Grieve with the family and do what you can for them, but this was *not* your fault.
Jeremy it is absolutely not your fault. As a retired Trauma Nurse I can tell you that I have seen instances like this many time and I can not think of one time it was truly anyone else's fault.

Most of the time it is either due to improperly chewed food or due to the fact that the person's esophagus is narrowed.

My Prayers are for You and Your Family and the Family's Loss.
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So sorry to hear this. I saw that happen to a fellow at a Farmer's Market, but luckily he made it through.

Nothing you could have done to prevent it, don't let it shake you too much.
Thanks, but never mind all this smoker talk. None of that matters now.

I just watched a man die in front of his entire family at the restaurant. He choked on MY food. We couldn't save him with the heimlich or CPR, and neither could the paramedics.

Probably the most traumatizing day of my life and I'm still in complete shock. None of the books I read prepare you for something like this.

I'd give it all back if I knew it would prevent this from happening.
I spent 30 years on the Kokomo Fire Dept, seen alot in 30 years.
This is not a BBQ issue ,This is part of life... This could happen anywhere.
So sorry to hear that. I know it is tough not to feel guilty but in no way is this your fault. Prayers go out to you, your family and your employees.
Sorry to hear that buddy. But definitely not your fault. It was his time and don't beat yourself up. We al know you tried your hardest to help.
Jeremy, I know how hard that is, and how awful it feels to have been any part of that. You feel helpless. I have seen this, both where I worked when I was a cook and when I was with the park department. Also saw it at a recent outing to a restaurant. Take some time, talk with your staff. It is awful, but, it was not your fault in any way, and the time comes for all of us.
Sorry to hear you and your staff had to go through this. As a volunteer fire fighter I have seen lots of things and have had people die in front of me. As long as you did everything you know how to do, there is nothing you need to blame yourself on. The sites and thoughts won't go away anytime soon and don't feel bad if you need to get some counseling over it.
Never easy to see someone die in front of you, especially if you are not expecting it.

Its not like he died of food poisoning though. Think of it like this. Is a mechanic responsible for someone who dies in a car crash just because they worked on that persons car? No. Totally not your fault.
Sorry to hear you and your staff had to go through this. As a volunteer fire fighter I have seen lots of things and have had people die in front of me. As long as you did everything you know how to do, there is nothing you need to blame yourself on. The sites and thoughts won't go away anytime soon and don't feel bad if you need to get some counseling over it.

I'm in the same partner and I pulled a guy out of a house fire. He was alive but died on the way to the hospital. That was really hard....and took a lot of talking with people to get over it.

Jeremy I bet you're going through the same thing....and believe me it sucks. Eventually you'll get passed it but don't hesitate to talk with someone. Trust me man....talking about it helps....a lot.
Wow. What a kick in the gut. So very sorry. Prayers out to you, your staff & family. Again not your fault. Some good advice here. Take a few days brother
I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you and your staff, but especially to the man's loved ones. Death is always tragic, for there is always someone left that suffers loss. I know you are hurting now and like many have said, it is NOT your fault. As a Pastor, I know your guilt won't just end because we are telling you that it is not your fault - however, it is important to hear.

In the meantime, allow yourself to grieve, but please don't despair. As bad as this incident was, there was nothing that could have prevented it. If you are a Christian, you probably know already that nobody dies until his appointed time. When that time comes, there is nothing that can prevent it. Even if you aren't Christian, you may understand this. You couldn't stop it,,but you can change how it effects you going forward.

Go about your business. Continue to provide the best food and service possible, just like yesterday. Don't let this bring down what you have worked so hard for - a business that so many count on. Don't let it seal your joy, even as you temporarily mourn. Do not dwell on what happened, or "what-ifs," for you can change nothing. Work for the future. Keep moving forward.

Your pain will subside - in your own time. Until then, remember you are not alone. The. Brethren are always here for you - if you need to vent, rant, cry, or cuss at someone, let us know. Heck, I'll give you my phone number for any of those reasons, or if you just want to talk or pray. In the meantime, you, your family and employees, and his family will be on my prayers. God rest his soul.

The Lord be with you and keep you!
Very Sorry to hear this.

Are you sure he choked? He could have had as massive MI (Heart Attack) and went down right that second....
This was obviously traumatic for you. Don't forget that you are also the leader of this group. This may have been traumatic for others as well and this will be an opportunity for you to lead them through it. For those who were involved in this, saw it, experienced it, this can affect them in ways that they might not even realize. And many of them might not have an outlet to vent like you do. Offering to have a professional come in who has experience in Critical Incident Stress Debriefing can be a way to decrease the anxiety that everyone might be feeling and further your role as their leader, not to mention decrease the anxiety, guilt, sadness, etc. that you are going through. This was a significant event. How you help them handle it will determine if it remains a negative event or turns it more positive. See if there are some resources in your area that can walk you guys through this.