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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Batch Image
Jan 16, 2013
Mesquite smoke fills the air.
Once it calms down ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ adding a couple choice ribeye. Smoking to 175 IT wrapping and placing in freezer. Then through the grinder. Will add previously smoked chopped brisket and beef cheek Barbacoa. Then all meats into a pot for chili.
Top Shelf Frito Pie. Wife Made a big pot of ribeye Goya beans yesterday. Some of those may be a topper or a side.
Itโ€™s Texas, no beans in the chili ๐ŸŒถ๐Ÿ”ฅ
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Two stocks: barbacoa & chicken
Seasoned Smoked ribeye - simmered with garlic-stick blended
Added hamburger from previous taco cook
1 small can tomato paste
2 heaping tablespoons Bolnerโ€™s Fiesta Chili Powder
May or may not be a Goya bean involved

Then life happened:
While on two mile walk The Bride reminded me I promised her Pork Steaks. No problem all kinds of room and heat. Smoked Pork to 175 and added a diluted Stubbs Sweet Heat with liquid from garlic simmered ribeye.

Beef and pork both cooked foil boat method. Helps

Going to go for a bike ride whilst everything comes together
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Adams, how are you liking the offset?

Iโ€™ve already had 299$ of fun. The mods recommended on the OKJoe Highland FB have proved to be spot on. Charcoal basket, use firebox grate wrapped in foil for baffle and OKJoe gasket. This thing is steady. I bank a mini log at bottom back of fire basket then I put a half chimney of unlit coals in front of that. I pour a full chimney of lit coals on the unlit. Once the smoke calms down the cooking area is heated and I lay one mini log on an incline in the middle of the box. I added only two more mini logs and probably didnโ€™t need the third. I still donโ€™t see myself babysitting a brisket for 10-12 hours, however the 4-6 hour and under are entertaining.

Bottom line, Iโ€™ve learned from the Brethren enough to not screw up as badly as I did with my OG Black Diamond.
Thought I smelled something delicious in the strong south wind!
Looks tasty Adams!