Oklahoma Breakdown......

I think you should hook up BoomShakaLakka to the back and haul it up the Interstate, nothing like adding a split to the firebox while stopped om I-35.
Got Home about 8 pm. Had a Good Weekend, didn't get tore up or Stupid - just maintained a lil Buzz Fri nite n Sat. Saw some Folks I hadn't seen since High School and some that I hadn't seen since last trip a cpl years ago. :cool:

Had my 30th Last Summer But we usually Crash the Reunions of the Class ahead of us (‘87) and After us (‘89). ‘89’s 30th will be this June.............
Hoping the Smaller Old Country Gravity Fed will be Out and Small enough to Haul in the back of my Truck for some more Oklahoma Breakdown........ :heh: