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Help me out here so I can get the correct info out to our membership:

  • Chris Hart is now the volunteer coordinator for this whole operation?
  • People who wish to volunteer should contact Chris directly even if they have already contacted OBR?
  • If so, Chris do you have a preferred email? (PM me if you like)
  • How many cook sites are planned and or running? I've heard Hoboken, Tom's River and lower Manhattan
  • Who is the contact for corporate type donations? Jeff?
Just tried to take the ServSafe online course- After registering I'm getting a server error message when I click "Take online course". I hope I can still help out- I am calling Ique in a few hours.
Help me out here so I can get the correct info out to our membership:

  • Chris Hart is now the volunteer coordinator for this whole operation?
  • People who wish to volunteer should contact Chris directly even if they have already contacted OBR?
  • If so, Chris do you have a preferred email? (PM me if you like)
  • How many cook sites are planned and or running? I've heard Hoboken, Tom's River and lower Manhattan
  • Who is the contact for corporate type donations? Jeff?

Things are very fluid, Chris came on board last night. At this point he is coordinating volunteers for the operation. Keep the info flowing through OBR except for when Chris asks for direct contact like in the above post. Don't reregister. We'll get him an OBR email addy.

At this point we are supporting three operations. We'll post exact addresses but for planning purposes the above locations will work for now.

If it is a food donation, contact me [email protected]

If it is money run it through the website.

Thanks--Jeff Hughes
Best way to get me at this point is cell 774-696-7598

Text or call.

Will have hoboken address in the next couple hours.

Local news is listing a lot of fire houses on the south shore of Long Island as serving food. Is there a possibility OBR can hook up with one of them for a LI location?

After looking again they are already being assisted by Island Harvest.
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Just send to all my friends!

To my fellow EOers, BIG Group, friends, and family:

As some of you know, that along with my passion for my business and entrepreneurship, I am also a competition BBQer. My team, Que and a Half Men (, have partnered with Operation BBQ Relief ( to provide assistance in providing hot, nutritious meals to victims and the many heroic volunteer relief workers of Hurricane Sandy along the northeastern U.S. coast. This historic storm moved onshore in New Jersey on Monday evening, October 29 and proceeded to wreak havoc across multiple states in its path. Particularly hard-hit was New Jersey and New York. OBR is talking about the need for over 200 thousand meals. I want to make sure no utility worker, no fireman, no policeman and surely no victim in a shelter who just lost his home to be hungry while search and rescue and other basic safety needs are being secured.

The mission of Operation BBQ Relief is to provide compassion and to offer hope and friendship to those whose lives have been affected by natural disasters across the United States through our expertise in cooking and catering barbecue meals and our ability to quickly mobilize our teams into any area where nature disrupts and tears apart the lives of Americans.

As my team prepares to mobilize and lend assistance to these victims, I would like to humbly ask my fellow friends and associates to consider making a financial donation to our cause. In fact, I beg you to help us at least keep people fed over the next week or so. Operation BBQ Relief is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation and we can really use all the financial support we can get. Checks can be sent to my home address but please make them payable to Operation BBQ Relief. My address is 5 Kris Roy Drive, Rockland, MA 02370. Your assistance and consideration is greatly appreciated.

Bill Minahan
a-networks, inc.
101 Longwater Circle
Suite 100
Norwell, MA 02061
Main: 781-871-0709 x8501
Direct: 781-753-8501
Fax: 978-383-7972
email: [email protected]
Thanks Bill but donations made to the OBR website will reach them sooner. This need is going to be huge. Please give what you can, however you can.
I wish I could help out there, but I can't get away from work. Just sent out a donation from my family to support. God bless all and safe travels to all volunteering. I will pass along what information I can to family and friends.
Big dog,
I will fedex checks as soon as I get them. I have commitments of $1,500 so far with much more to come.

Awesome. No disrespect intended Bro. I was just saying that a direct deposit was faster. I think that what you are doing is beyond great.:thumb::thumb::thumb:
None taken... All for the cause.

Go Bill go. Great so to see everyone getting together again. I want to be there with you all. But I'll be on a plane... killing me as I have family in the stricken area. Luckily they're all good. Thanks to everyone with boots on the ground.
anybody been in touch with chris recently? i don't want to blow up his phone, i'm sure he's super busy.

I talked to him a couple of hours ago. On the ground and cooking.

We really need a reefer truck hookup. Actually two.

We have a board meeting in a few minutes. Chris or I will report back.

Jeff Hughes
OBR Director Western Operations
I talked to him a couple of hours ago. On the ground and cooking.

We really need a reefer truck hookup. Actually two.

We have a board meeting in a few minutes. Chris or I will report back.

Jeff Hughes
OBR Director Western Operations

tell me more about the reefer needs. i don't have any, but can make some phone calls.
Apparently our BBQ Assault Vehicle and garage full of cookers may be a little too large :becky: but Chris is looking. We have sent supplies, proteins, and cash to OBR. Best of luck to all the cooks on the ground there making it happen. Thanks also to The Basic BBQ in getting the supplies down there.
just got back from Hoboken, been there since noon today. Set up on 14th and Washington Ave. Got a nice spot for about half the block. The 3mbb trailer is set up with a convection oven, and there are 2 lang 84s, a jambo and 1 other smoker there that are going to cook several cases of butts tonight to feed tomorrow. Today we did not get set up until 3:30 or so, so to get immediate food out there, we did 100's of hot dogs, chicken pieces, whipped up some chili, baked beans, green beans, etc.

Donations are very important for this OBR effort, so please help in any manner possible. I have a family obligation so came home once most of the dinner crowd left, but I am hoping they reach even more people tomorrow as the word (and smell of smoke) go through Hoboken.

Great job today fellas, true spirit of the Brethren in action.