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I am heading up to Toms River on the evening of 11/6 through 11/9. If there is anyone in the Mid-Atlantic that would like to tag along, drop me a line. I have room to take a couple of folks in my truck. email me at [email protected]
Folks here is an email update I just sent people who have expressed interest in helping. I will post it here to.

All: I wanted to give you the latest on where we are with OBR and the volunteers. We are running into a logistical nightmare, as you all very well may know. Because there is no running water and there is no electricity and the fact that a lot of the areas are deemed "unsafe", we are having a hard time getting set up. Please be patient with us as I know everyone wants to help. The last thing we want to do is have you guys go somewhere and not be able to get in or to help. We will continue to send these email updates and I hope to sooner then later. In the meantime please continue to monitor our FB page, Once we are able to get the word out that we need people to help we will let you know. If you can point people to continue to send donations to , that would be great too. Again sorry for the delay and I will do my best to keep you in the loop on what is going on. Let me know if you have any questions.
hey guys, just saw the whole OBR operation, seems like a great thing, keep it up! i live in brooklyn but i beat out the storm pretty well over here

tonight im doing an overnight cook tonight of briskets and butts and in the morn doing 40 lbs of leg quarters and bringing them out to Broad Channel tomorrow.

they got hit pretty hard in south queens and a lot of relief isn't finding its way there, so thats where I will focus my efforts over the coming weeks.

hopefully when we start getting gas we can get some more folks out there and to OBR's efforts in NYC/NJ. If you'd like to help the effort in south queens, best bet is to call the office of Councilman Chris Ulrich who heads that district, or if your around tomorrow and are able to help PM me.
I signed up the other day- will sign up again as I did not receive an e-mail. Thank you again for setting this up, I can't even imagine the amount of work involved.
Sorry I can't be there, donation has been sent. Everybody be careful out there.


KCBS Master CBJ, Ceritified Table Captain
ABS Pit Boss, Hasty Bake BWS , Okie State Orange Thermapen
Folks here is an email update I just sent people who have expressed interest in helping. I will post it here to.

All: I wanted to give you the latest on where we are with OBR and the volunteers. We are running into a logistical nightmare, as you all very well may know. Because there is no running water and there is no electricity and the fact that a lot of the areas are deemed "unsafe", we are having a hard time getting set up. Please be patient with us as I know everyone wants to help. The last thing we want to do is have you guys go somewhere and not be able to get in or to help. We will continue to send these email updates and I hope to sooner then later. In the meantime please continue to monitor our FB page, Once we are able to get the word out that we need people to help we will let you know. If you can point people to continue to send donations to , that would be great too. Again sorry for the delay and I will do my best to keep you in the loop on what is going on. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for that. I can't IMAGINE the logistics involved with what you all are doing. We can't get time off work until week after next anyway so hopefully by then, we can be part of the "relief" team and things will be figured out. We may also be able to bring some supplies with us as well. I imagine that Sam's and other stores will be tapped out in the area by then (if they aren't already).

Thanks guys. I've been BLASTING my whole company, my personal email address book and my wife's been passing my emails along to her contact list too to get the word out about the awesome work OBR is doing. Hopefully that will translate into some donations.

Keep it up y'all!
If you have signed up as a volunteer for OBR and did not receive the email this afternoon, please PM Just Pullin' Pork. We need to address the problem. If you guys are not getting the emails, many more probably are not as well...
How do we know that we're on the list? I signed up on the OBR website Wednesday and have seen nothing in my inbox.

If you have signed up as a volunteer for OBR and did not receive the email this afternoon, please PM Just Pullin' Pork. We need to address the problem. If you guys are not getting the emails, many more probably are not as well...

Are the emails going out to regional teams or to everyone that has signed up around the country?
I am regional and did not receive an e-mail- Long Island, just pm'ed "Just Pullin' Pork" as stated above as well as re-registering at OBR.
Teams that are available to be on the ground in Hoboken, NJ with their pits and meat ready to cook please PM me.
If you have signed up as a volunteer for OBR and did not receive the email this afternoon, please PM Just Pullin' Pork. We need to address the problem. If you guys are not getting the emails, many more probably are not as well...

I signed up on Monday or Tuesday and haven't recieved an email. I'll PM Just Pullin' Pork about it.
Everyone - the emails only went to those that sent an email to [email protected] and not everyone in the database for volunteers. That was a mistake! Sorry we did not pull the NE folks from that database! Since I do not handle that database please email [email protected] subject volunteer and tell us where you can go, availability and equipment and contact number.

Sorry again I know many of you want to help! Please do not just show up though. As Jeff said things are rolling and this will be going on for a while. I know it seems like a hurry up and wait game but this is going to be a long recovery and plenty of opportunity for everyone. After a major disaster like this after the 1st week or so everyone starts to get numb to it and sort of forgets about it. That is when they will really need the help!

Sean K - LI is tough right now our contact with the Red Cross have not gotten back to us. They are not accepting food from outside sources in most location around there. This is the toughest we have had getting set up and just doing what we are there for helping those in need. The red tape is tough. The best thing to do on Long Island would be to find a location where we could cook and serve from and where their are non red cross shelters. If we can find that we can then go to the next step of finding protein. At the pace we are going we will spend all the donations we have received and out disaster account by mid next week. We have some food donations that will be on hand beginning of next week but that will go fast. Will keep you guys posted.
Teams that are available to be on the ground in Hoboken, NJ with their pits and meat ready to cook please PM me.

Chris is now handling volunteers for this major operation, please contact him as he requests...

Jeff Hughes
OBR Western Operations Chair