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Never too early to start planning, right?

In the Spring bash there was some discussion of getting together in the late summer or fall.

I really liked the location from last time, that pavilion was plenty big, the restrooms weren't too far, and it wasn't too much trouble to haul smokers down from the parking lot.

Anybody got suggestions about a weekend to use in the August - October timeframe?


Saturday Oct 18th
Lake Ray Roberts Isle du Bois State Park
Gates open at 8am
Pavilion by the playground,+Pilot+Point,+TX

Where's this thing at? As in Map link please......... :mrgreen:
Couple of questions. Is there any organization of who is cooking what, or is everyone cooking whatever (or is there a list of what everyone has decided to cook)? Is there times that we are shooting for for eating, or is it all day grazing as things are done?
I was just coming here to ask everybody to post what they're planning to cook, so we can make last-minute changes if necessary. Last time there were 3 briskets that all got done about the same time, and I think everybody got brisket overload.

As for the time, it's generally all-day grazing. We don't target everybody sitting down to a meal. Because of that it's actually better to make a little bit too little than too much. Think about making a snack for 20 people, not a meal for 20 people.

I'll be making:

- Marubozo pickles
- MOINK Shots
- Brontosaurus ribs (beef plate short ribs) if I can find some, pork spares if I can't
I'm doing meatloaf. - shooting for Dinner time or may do a cpl 1 early and 1 later.

Last one we shot for 6 pm Dinner but the rest of it ( as in no set lunch time) was grazing all day as things got done and most seemed to like that. Something new or two every hour - 1 1/2 hr. Bad thing is your are tasting nibbling allday and you don't realize how much you really ate then Bam it hits you and your fat n hurting ............ LOL
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Brisket point (plan on it being done around lunch time)
Macaroni Salad (Thanks to Mrs S_B)
Maybe Pretzel/Jello dessert

P.S. Did someone say "too much" or "full?" I'm not sure I recognize those terms. :-D
I plan on a nice size stuffed and wrapped breakfast fatty early in the day some ribs around lunch or early afternoon and a packer ro come off somewhere between 4 and 6. Thinking about trying a smoked peach cobbler recipe i have but have yet to cook! I'll still have plenty of room if people need cooking space too!
Country Meats Market hooked me up. I've got a 15lb rack of beef short ribs in my fridge. I swear it looks like a bone-in brisket. If nobody else is doing breakfast for us early folks, I can do a naked fatty and a can of biscuits.
Peeps mentioned doing a breakfast fatty (was going to cook it in my pooper), but I will let him confirm since he is burning it at both ends this week.
I will be doing some bacon weaved venison backstrap, and some wild boar sausages. Might just need a little room if anybody will have it on there smokers..
We are camping Friday and Saturday so I'll have Red burning 250-275 all day with room for whatever. What time you early birds plan on getting there?
I was just coming here to ask everybody to post what they're planning to cook, so we can make last-minute changes if necessary. Last time there were 3 briskets that all got done about the same time, and I think everybody got brisket overload.

We had a similar issue at the last bash: So much much food and that resulted in many folks not even being able to sample nowhere near as close as actual food cooked, myself included. In addition, the amount of leftovers was probably enough to feed the entire crowd twice over.

Not sure this has happened to you in previous TX bashes before, but it did inspire a conversation with a couple of Brethren last weekend about greater organization and communication about who's bringing what. One idea we floated was that people would bring/cook ONE dish or something like that...unlimited beverages, of course! One thing I didn't do last weekend's bash that I just didn't have time for was to regularly post an updated list of what everyone was bringing. I think that helped keep folks focused and actually helped keep things in perspective as we got closer to the bash date. Hope this helps in some way...

Anyway, hope y'all have a great time, and look forward to watching this unfold!
I think we did OK with the exception of having 3 packers finish around the same time. :-D I had no problem taking some grub home with me. I'd rather be over prepared than under.