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Were you reading my post pre-submission???? It had a reference to beefcake...

We are twisted...


I just knew how much you like beefcake :-D

But, maybe something to go with cake or pastries or a breakfast fatty would be better?

Maybe a couple of bags of Roastin' Ronnie's home roasted coffee? :thumb:

Yeah... That's the ticket :-D

I can't make it down there for the bash, but I will send peeps a couple of bags of Roastin' Ronnie's coffee for you all to enjoy!
I just knew how much you like beefcake :-D

But, maybe something to go with cake or pastries or a breakfast fatty would be better?

Maybe a couple of bags of Roastin' Ronnie's home roasted coffee? :thumb:

Yeah... That's the ticket :-D

I can't make it down there for the bash, but I will send peeps a couple of bags of Roastin' Ronnie's coffee for you all to enjoy!
:thumb: :thumb:

I realized after we PM'd about it that we will have power, so I'll just bring my coffee pot and keep some on through the day. I know Tasha will enjoy that, especially if there is a chill in the air!

Thanks, Ron! I'll try not to screw it up. If I do, I'll just blame it on Ronelle :wink:
This is going to be a great bash, even if Bob shows up. :grin:
I am going to,everything possible to make an appearance. Much of it will depend if insurance approves my new wheelchair. If I can make it, I can offer to bring some of my award winning salsa, if anyone is interested.
I really hope we can make it. Especially if Bill is going, y'all will need a preacher. Ha

Jorge, are you going?
Come on, Jorge, who ya gonna listen to, your wife or the Brethren? What has she ever done for ya that one of us hasn't? Oh, wait, nevermind :shock:

She puts up with more than you guys do, trust me. If we are in town and I can get away I'll stop by for a quick visit. If my client bails on TX/OU, like he's suggesting he might odds go up!
Ok, Sorry, but I have to officially say now that I will not be attending. We had an appointment today for my wife and her back doctor. She is having her second spinal surgery on the 8th. If it was local, I might think about it, but there is no way I can join y'all in the Dallas area at that time. She is telling me to wait and see, but I can't be that far away 10 days after her surgery.

Y'all have fun. We'll try and catch the 2015 Spring bash.
Ok, Sorry, but I have to officially say now that I will not be attending. We had an appointment today for my wife and her back doctor. She is having her second spinal surgery on the 8th. If it was local, I might think about it, but there is no way I can join y'all in the Dallas area at that time. She is telling me to wait and see, but I can't be that far away 10 days after her surgery.

Y'all have fun. We'll try and catch the 2015 Spring bash.

Wishing her all the best and will send good vibes when it gets closer.
Thanks y'all. I was really looking forward to meeting some of y'all. That just means it will be better when we really do meet.

Now make sure this goes off without a hitch. Don't make me drive up there with an immobile wife in the back seat. :wink:
Ok, Sorry, but I have to officially say now that I will not be attending. We had an appointment today for my wife and her back doctor. She is having her second spinal surgery on the 8th. If it was local, I might think about it, but there is no way I can join y'all in the Dallas area at that time. She is telling me to wait and see, but I can't be that far away 10 days after her surgery.

Y'all have fun. We'll try and catch the 2015 Spring bash.

Terry, I'm sorry to hear about you wife and will be keeping you both in my prayers.

Hey, instead of trying to go up north for a bash, we should contemplate one here in South Texas. Maybe some of them could come down...

BTW, you and I should meet and meat sometime. My wife will have to join us, as she has to drive me everywhere since I'm still in a wheelchair...
Any of you guys ever checked out Fairfield Lake State Park? The group dining facility there isn't bad and it's got plenty of room and parking for the stick burners. Just throwing it out there I think the "Texas Mega Bash" would be a blast for spring.