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Well, Well, Well--More GC's among us :lol:
Sounds like some great cooking and some great fun by all.
Conrats guys.

A Great Smoke'n job by the Belly brothers. I think everybody had a great time and enjoyed some good Q.
Thanks to everyone that came out and supported me this weekend. It is my intention to sanction this one next year.
Spicewine had some good advertisement this weekend. I think all the smokers except 2 were their products or a fascimily there of.
We'll do er again next year.
chad said:
Following the "rules" and having CERTIFIED judges are two different things! :D

We actually did have at least 2 certified judges, that I know of. They were from Kansas City area, I believe, and have judged the AR and Lenexa cookoffs. They came by the site early, about 9:30, and I watched them walk around observing and conversing with other teams as well.

We talked about the scoring system, as it is set up now. All I asked them was to be fair to every team, and consider what all the teams have invested in time, food, and equipment.
Skip: Nice job !! I know you were real proud of your boy this past weekend!! His smile while he was getting his award went ear to ear.

Mark: Good showing at the contest!! Would have liked to try some of that brisket!!

Jamie: Thanks!! Real fun contest this year!! We had a blast.


Congrats to the Belly Bros. Seems they havent been here yet so they must be basking in the glory :)
Finally a free moment to check in!

A little overelmed but enjoying the ride.

Was probably one of the funnest contest I have been to.

Jamie, Thanks again for organizing the event, everyone had a blast! And thanks for letting Gary borrow the parrot!!!!! The plaques are awesome, very nicely done. We will definitly keep this one on the calendar!

Jay what can I say, I always seem to have a great time when you and your posse are around. You guys are a blast! Thanks for those awesome wings and ABT's on friday night. They hit the spot!

Skip's son was grinning from ear to ear! I love watching kids get recognition, he was excited, and Mom and Dad were looking pretty proud as well!!!!!!!

Mark, was great to see you out cooking! Look forward to many more!

And thanks to my team mates. You guys and especially T make these cook offs a blast! Everyone works well together, it takes all of us!!!

Thanks to for the kind words and encouragement from everyone here on the board!!!!
My Brother said it all, Spice, thanks for the laughs, and all you do at these events, Jamie, You are a Great Host, and thanks for having us. Skip, awsome Job bro, and tell your son, Very Good job. This was an event that will get bigger every year and we hope to see more teams next year. I will get the pics unloaded from the camera tonight and get them posted later. Kick you may have to size them for me. Thanks Brothers!
2nd in chicken
3rd in ribs
2nd in pork
1st in brisket

And Grand Champion
Awesome!! Totally Awesome!!! Well done Brothers!! I am seriously proud of ya!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Way to go, Bellys! Awesome showing.

Wish I coulda been there. :(
Way to go guys. Can't wait to see pictures of the Victory Smiles.

Hello Brothers,
Thanks for the kind words. It was a pleasure to spend time with you all. You all are the best and I am glad to be able to call you all my mofo brothers.
Spice, Kick, BellyBrotherII, Bellybro, Mark,and Jamie thanks for all the fun.

The best part for me was seeing my son Samuel get to walk up and get his 1st place award. The expression of excitement in his face was truly unforgettable. I will never forget that moment!!!! This is what its all about :D :D :D

As for the Chick'n'Pig BBQ Team I am proud of us. 1st in ribs, 1st in the kids Q, 3rd in pork and 4th over all. This was our 2nd contest. How could I ask for more!
Spice as you already know I love my smoker, Everyone that stopped by was amazed at the smokers that you build. :D
