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Babbling Farker
Aug 9, 2016
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So I got a Dutch oven a few weeks ago. While researching recipes I found a list that said try bread.

So I found a simple, no knead, yeasty bread recipe and tried. 4 ingredients. Salt, flour, yeast, water. Let proof over night, roll into a ball, let rest for an hour and bake.

Didn’t get shots of the prep cause I didn’t realize it would be this easy or good. This is the aftermath. 6 minutes after I sliced the first bite.


This would be great with chili or stew. It’s firm and crusty on the outside and dense and soft in the middle.

Now I got try this with cowgirls bacon grease, chive, cheese recipe.
Great looking bread.... and yes, Jeanie's bacon grease, chive, and cheese recipe is off the hook good!

I'll bet those two are pretty well made for each other.
My BBQ addiction got me into Sourdough bread.

One tip even if you are not kneeding that shape into a ball step if you tighten the surface of that ball Roll it around tucking the bottom under to build some tension of the surface it will give some additional oven spring and make a taller more fluffy loaf. Traps the gas better.

Welcome to another addiction.
I also use parchment paper in the bottom of the dutch oven and often throw an icecube in there for additional steam.
My BBQ addiction got me into Sourdough bread.

One tip even if you are not kneeding that shape into a ball step if you tighten the surface of that ball Roll it around tucking the bottom under to build some tension of the surface it will give some additional oven spring and make a taller more fluffy loaf. Traps the gas better.

Welcome to another addiction.
I also use parchment paper in the bottom of the dutch oven and often throw an icecube in there for additional steam.

Thanks. I did that tucking under bit, but would do it more aggressively next time.

I did use parchment in the Dutch oven. Worked great. Only thing I would change is less time uncovered at the end. Top got a little too dark. Other than that it’s a keeper.

I have a ‘fake’ sourdough recipe I’m trying next...using Greek yogurt. If you have a suggestion on a better quality, still easy recipe I’m interested.
I had recently picked up 2 CI loaf pans and use with the same no knead recipes. I use simple aluminum bread pans for the lids when not using the DO.
Timely thread. I just stripped and reseasoned a poorly neglected Lodge CI Dutch Oven. I'll be making this recipe as soon as I can.
Looks great! I've had a lot of success cooking recipes from Jim Lahey, I think he kind of helped pioneer the no knead method. His book My Bread is incredible and one that I would definitely recommend if you want to dive headfirst into baking