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boomers bbq

Full Fledged Farker
Sep 7, 2011
Name or Nickame
Happy New Years to you all.
The butt is on for pulled pork, pork belly going on later.
We are doing what I call poor mans burnt ends.
This year I am passing the cooking job down to my son, I will be there to help and teach but it’s his game today...
He has helped me at competitions and just every day cooking.
He also has his helper with him who hasn’t missed a cook yet.
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Update on new year eve cook

Ty is doing good so far.
We just made our Carolina mustard sauce and our own BBQ sauce as well.
Bark got away from us it’s a lot darker than I would like
We will see how it is.
Time for the pork belly to get going now.
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Another update

Pork belly ready for its turn.
My son did this all by himself.
Got my favorite beverage waiting for me.
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