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Apr 8, 2004
Marianna, FL
Name or Nickame
Making up a 2# pot of Black Eyed Peas this AM.
Thought I had plenty of rib trimmings, country ham chunks, etc.
But..that bin in the freezer was woefully lacking. :heh:

So, I grabbed a bag of frozen nekkid fatty.
Figured it would crumble up (at worse) but sill add flavor.
Cut it up into 1/2" chunks and cooked away.

Lo and behold. The chunks stayed intact.:clap2:
Flavor is fantastic.

No pics. Camera is dead and nothing special to see anyway.

That sounds excellent, Tim!! Thanks for the idea, I'll give it a try!
Yup I use my left over fatties for anything I use left over pulled pork for and more. I use my Italian Sausage Fatty's for pasta sauce for that added smoke flavor.
Sure sounds delicious!

I haven't tried fatty with beans... but can't see a reason why not!
Never seen a leftover fattie. Did not even know that was possible.

Leftover was a poor choice of words on my part :icon_blush:

When I cook fatties, I normally cook 5-10 of them.
They get vac bagged and into the freezer.
A few of them are even divided into halves since Mrs Kapn does not like them and that is a good serving for just me at breakfast.

GOOD EATS quickly available when I get the urge. :grin:
