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Full Fledged Farker
Mar 26, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Got a good part of my build done yesterday, and haven't had either the FD or the cops show up from the fire or the noise, so I've got that going for me! I have all of the hardware and the racks, I just need to drill holes and assemble to put them in. Still have paint and little things after that! Ignore any pathetic welding you may see as this is my forst stab at it with a borrowed welder. :redface:

You all know the drill; Here's my build, about half done:


Fresh Drum


After burn, with donor Weber kettle


Inside after burn, before grinding


Unpainted, no racks, on seasoning run. Got to almost 400 with about 40 briquettes of KF. Used butter flavored Crisco.


Inside after seasoning, Big basket that needs a smaller ring inside for smoking. I built it big to raise it up high to double as a grill ala MushCreek's build.

Things I learned:
-Welding takes training and experience, of which I have neither.
-Outer paint washes off with a rag and water after a burn.
-Personal protective equipment is very nice to have around for the grinding! (earplugs, ear muffs, safety glasses, and a GOOD filter mask)
-My wife is very patient, with the noise and mess associated with this.
Thanks, Guys. I'm hoping to have her done late tonight or tomorrow. Then, it's time for the inaugural Fatty, with M01NK balls and ABTs on the side. What a great way to start!
Got some more done tonight.


Rack mounts


Racks, all from donor grills. Need some cleaning.


Outside, not much to say.


Probe mount


Hardware used, needed to drill it out with an 1/8th inch bit, and now it's a snug fit.

Gotta do some last-minute things and some final prep, and it's initial cook should come soon!
Weekend Update: Worked on it some more this weekend. Still haven't smoked with it, but I could if I had a day to babysit it. Things I did- moved the main intake up higher (fat-man mod), added wheels, put an additional exhaust wheel and thermometer on the lid, and finished the charcoal basket.

"Centerfold Shot"
Here she is, as she sits now.


"Fat Man Mod"
Added an Elbow and 18" extension for the Main adjustable 1" intake. The valve handle is right at the Rack Temp Probe.


"Added Exhaust and Thermometer"
I took daisy wheel from my old donor kettle and mounted it on the lid with 4 new holes. I also grabbed a thermometer from a trashed grill (along with some Stainless Steel bling to be added later) and put her in on top. Also, note the wood handle. I took all of 5 minutes with some sandpaper to get it cleaned up. It was pretty nasty before, and I'm going to stain and seal it before long.


I used a wheel assembly from the donor Weber, and made a third leg from some scrap 1/16" stock. Works great, and free.


"Charcoal Basket"
This was made with the intent of using it as a grill, so that is why it looks as it does. You wouldn't need the "wings" otherwise, but the legs are necessary.


"Legs and Wings"
Closeup of the hanging assembly. The basket bottom is 3" above the bottom of the barrel.


"Mounted up High, With a Rack"