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is one Smokin' Farker
Oct 31, 2004
North Texas
Name or Nickame
While trying to figure out lunch today, I came across a package of rice noodles in the pantry. There was a sous vide'd Albukirky Green Chile chicken breast hanging out in the fridge...

While the noodles were cooking, half of the chicken breast got cubed up and tossed in a pot with some chicken broth to warm up, along with some chopped green chiles, some Oakridge Saigon 21, and a dash of white pepper. Noodles were drained, rinsed, dumped in a bowl. The broth & chicken got dumped over the noodles, with some chopped cilantro and paper-thin sliced onions and carrots. Apologies for the lack of pics - I intended to take one of the bowl, but work dictated otherwise. It was pretty dang tasty for a quick lunch - something I'll definitely play off of in the future.