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Full Fledged Farker
Sep 3, 2008
Pleasant Hill MO
A new state championship KCBS contest called The Best Backyard BBQ Chef Competition in New London Connecticut is being held October 14-15, 2011. Needing teams! Info will be posted on their website on Monday at

People can email: [email protected] / or call (860)443-3786

It'll be held at the Waterfront Park. Oughta be a good one.:-D
A new state championship KCBS contest called The Best Backyard BBQ Chef Competition in New London Connecticut is being held October 14-15, 2011. Needing teams! Info will be posted on their website on Monday at

People can email: [email protected] / or call (860)443-3786

It'll be held at the Waterfront Park. Oughta be a good one.:-D
I've emailed the organizer twice in recent days and received no response .........
I both emailed and called. No response to either.

It's a bit disconcerting that the organizer isn't responding to attempted communication less than 60 days out from the event.

i actually spoke to her. she was very friendly, but has not got back to me yet either. would be nice to have another competition so near by. she could probably use some guidance as to what makes a great competition.
I spoke with the organizer very briefly.

The prize pool is currently $4,600.00

The entry fee is $250.00

I'll post more info as/if I get it and hopefully everyone else will as well.

i actually spoke to her. she was very friendly, but has not got back to me yet either. would be nice to have another competition so near by. she could probably use some guidance as to what makes a great competition.

Guidance? From what see she is an event planner most likely getting paid...........
A bit more info:

Team lots are 10 by 20
Parking is 1 block away
Ice will be available onsite
Teams can arrive Friday morning
Electric will be at each site but water will be at one central location (I'm not sure if that means it's reachable by hose)
There will be overnight security

Tried to contact them myself. No luck. Would love to one more in before the snow
I live 10 minutes away from New London and this is the first I have heard of this contest....hope it happens.
i spoke to Bunny also. sounds like it is going to happen. they said that they will post the application on the Neffproductions website soon. if the do post it, who's in?
She is a great organizer and just got this one together. Rich and I are guiding her as much as possible and she is very receptive to our suggestions. It sounds like it's going to be right on the waterfront which is cool, (therefore the parking a block away) and she told me she had been in a 2 day meeting and why she didn't respond to me for the last couple of days. She has, however, called me whenever she needs anything and if I call her she gets back to me. Shoot me your questions and I'll get with her and get them answered.

As far as the Backyard in the title, it concerned me at first, too. But I realized she doesn't know we have backyard contests. Don't let it throw you. It's a KCBS state championship. We need to get 15 teams out there to make it qualify for her first year as KCBS comp.:-D
I just wrote her with quite a bit of information coming from your questions. I also suggested for her to get her website up asap. Hopefully she'll have the application form on the site and hopefully she might lower that $250 entry fee. It was a suggestion. As soon as I hear from her, which will probably be tomorrow, I'll get right back on site and let you all know what I hear.