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Knows what WELOCME spells.
Nov 22, 2013
Adelaide, South Australia
Hi Folks,

Thanks for allowing me into your community.

A retired Aussie here who like BBQ'ing. Had a WSM here for 17 years which is as long as they have been in the country, in fact I got one from the first batch from the local importer.

Played with fire for a few years until I discovered the BBQ Guru competitor controller which served me really well for many years.....bought the CyberQ WiFI version a last year and is just great.......don't have to get out my chair to check! :clap2:

Just bought a new Weber Q320 to replace my old 4 burner gasser that was on its last legs just the other it so far.

Have been researching pellet smokers over the last month and will most likely order one this week. I have been looking at the GMG Daniel Boone or possibly the Yoder YS480.

We don't have anywhere near the choices of pellets over here that you folks do. Fortunately there seem a couple of good quality options to chose from.

Be interested in your feedback on which one of the pellets you would recommend and why? From the research thus far I don't think I can make a bad decision between the two....


Farkin Aussies, can't even find the intro section, prolly 3 sheets to the wind.

G'day Bruce.
Welocme to the best site on the innerwebbie.
The mods here are sadists and will probably ban you tomorrow.
The good news is, they are also terribly insecure about their cooking abilities and that means they let us all post amazingly dodgy cooks even when pics show how ghastly they are.
And most of us are way too plastered to take pics when it's ready anyway.
You're South Australian, you'd understand.
Heck, prolly only get one forkful in five into the ole cake hole, right?
Enjoy, it's the people here that make it.
The mods...oh's like the Kremlin!
See my avatar?
When they see this post, you KNOW it's gonna be lucky I'm a ghost member, that's all I'm sayin!
As you can tell we have an over abundance of Aussies here. I guess one more won't hurt. So, Welcome to the forum. Both pellet poopers that you are looking at are solid cookers. I don't think you could go wrong with either one.
Don't know a thing about Pellet stoves, I've used a stick burner for 30some years,
and hey, welcome aboard, these are a bunch of good people here. I'm sure you'll get
good advice.
Welcome! I don't know anything about pellet burners but there is a wealth of info here along with a wealth of great people, have fun!
welcome ! just be carefull of the other aussies on the list. they seem to be a little off if ya know what I mean.
Fleetz... ARE YOU SURE you wanna get involved with these blokes???

Scoundrels, the lot of them.

All they do is steal our ideas and make stupid upside down, down under, dunny's flushing the wrong way kinda comments.

Don't listen to Buccs or Titch... they are complete nutcases, even though they can at times turn out an acceptable meal...

Now look, since you've had a WSM since before the resurrection of Christ, you should probably stick around and enjoy some friendly banter and good old backslapping bon homie (did I type that right??? Who Cares..)

And of course, you're from South Australia. Man, THAT is a great place to be from. Great produce, Great Charcoal (Gaganis) and fantasic house boats on the Murray (did that 4 years in a row at Mannum).

Only one thing I ask.. Buy a subscription... if you're serious about your BBQ and you like a good time and wanna make some great friends, this is cheap at 20 times the price.

You'll never meet such a fantastic group of people. Well, yep... you'll NEVER meet them, but you will feel as if you have.

Cheers, and Welocme to the insanity!


Fleetz... ARE YOU SURE you wanna get involved with these blokes???

Scoundrels, the lot of them.

All they do is steal our ideas and make stupid upside down, down under, dunny's flushing the wrong way kinda comments.

Don't listen to Buccs or Titch... they are complete nutcases, even though they can at times turn out an acceptable meal...

Now look, since you've had a WSM since before the resurrection of Christ, you should probably stick around and enjoy some friendly banter and good old backslapping bon homie (did I type that right??? Who Cares..)

And of course, you're from South Australia. Man, THAT is a great place to be from. Great produce, Great Charcoal (Gaganis) and fantasic house boats on the Murray (did that 4 years in a row at Mannum).

Only one thing I ask.. Buy a subscription... if you're serious about your BBQ and you like a good time and wanna make some great friends, this is cheap at 20 times the price.

You'll never meet such a fantastic group of people. Well, yep... you'll NEVER meet them, but you will feel as if you have.

Cheers, and Welocme to the insanity!



Hi Bill,

Very funny.....typical Aussie humour.....Hi Ya Titch!

Bought a subscription......happy to support the forum. No surprise went for the green star beer subscription option....couldn't go past that! :heh:

Thanks for all the warnings....methinks you should have included yourself......I think you did! :-o

Look forward to participation on the forum, for some reason I think it is going to interesting! :wacko:


Now go down to the bottom section, I believe its Woodpile, never been there myself.
that's how you learn to BBQ.
Or learn how to cure all woes