Nephews 1st BBQ Comp in Apopka FL this Weekend (On Going, Come and "Learn")

If you don't Mohawk up like you did for The Jack you are selling them out. Bring the MoJo, or go home!:twisted:
This is really cool. I remember your first post about getting your nephews involved,. Great mentoring, fantastic relationship, loads of fun, and forever memories. Something they will pass on to their kids .... hope I'm not jumping the gun .....
Right now I'm mentoring by making them carry 5 gallon buckets of water. We dont need them as I have it staked, but why not right?!?!
Couple of nice lookin' money muscles there.

Good on you, Brother! Much better than holding down a video game controller or phone!!

Good luck to Gucci Q BBQ Crew!
Their team name is "Two Gucci Q" it's amazing.

It's a mock on a slogan that some of the kids say these days. They say things are "gucci" which apparently means "so cool" or some crap.


Is that name a take on what you say to a baby when you are tickling them? Goochy goochy goo
This whole thread is farking awesome! I also have a long history of torturing my nieces and nephews. I look forward to following along.

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Good on ya, brother. It should be a great weekend, especially for the experience, placing or not. You picked a perfect time to head south because the weather here is going to cool down and be rainy, so enjoy the sunshine while you can (the weather and the Walmart stops may be the reasons for going:thumb:).