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somebody shut me the fark up.
Mar 14, 2016
St David, Az.
Name or Nickame
My wife has given me the OK to purchase a vacuum sealer, primary uses will be for food/meat/que storage and sous vide. Looking at a max budget of $375.00 so a chamber sealer is not an option. I have been looking at online reviews and none of them based on recent reviews have impressed me. Looking at the Weston pro 2300, Vacmaster 350 or 380, Foodsaver 4400 or 4800.

Is it worth the extra bucks for 15 - 16 inch sealer bar? Any recommendations appreciated.
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Here is the one I like a charm. I don't use it as extensively as many on here seem to, so it suits my needs.

Amazon price is about the same as the v4440 @ regular price.


I own Weston pro 2300 it has a dual piston vacuum pump. Famous brands you see at discount stores and happy mart are single piston. Never had an issue with it.
I have the v4440 posted above. I barely use it. Whether i am putting in raw ground beef or cooked pulled pork everytime i go to seal it draws to hard and pulls juice out of the meat which runs up the bag and then it doesn't seal at the spot that the juice ran out of the bag. I try hitting the seal button before the juice makes its way up but that stops the suction portion putting air into the bag and pretty much is worthless. Only thing i have found it good for is cheese where there is no moisture/liquid to be pulled out.
The bottom line is:

We will give you all kinds of recommendations and it may even confuse you in making your final choice....

You need to figure out what you want from your sealer and just how often you will use it before making an educated choice.

I started out with a FoodSaver which made poor seals and within 4 months it bit the dust. After a second FoodSaver which lasted a little over 6 months. However, I used it a lot, much more than the average kitchen. For occasional use it probably would be a great unit. After the second FoodSaver went bad, I realized that I would have to keep buying these units for who knows how long... They are not repairable, parts are not available for them, and they are considered disposable units.

For someone who does not seal items on a regular basis, it is probably a great unit for the price and will work very well with low frequency. It is light and it stores easily between uses in a cabinet or on a shelf taking up very little space.

After my second Foodsaver failure, I figured I had already spent enough to buy a heavy duty unit, so now I actually figured it was time to purchase one and be done. I chose the Weston because it has dual piston pumps rather than a singe pump. Although a perfect vacuum is 0 psi, the food saver draw is -7 psi whereas the Weston is -14 psi. We all realize that neither will ever exceed the 0 psi of a vacuum, the Weston unit does get you to the vacuum state with more consistency over a shorter period of time with a stronger seal. It has both manual and automatic seal functions, so one can manually seal wet foods with "manual" operations or let it automatically seal with dry operations.

The Weston also has user serviceable parts readily available so you can repair the unit if need be, or you can send it back for repair. I have had mine for 3 years now and only recently I replaced foam seals and heater bar for less than 30 dollars. It took less than 10 minutes with minimal effort. Although the unit was still working properly, I felt preventative maintenance is also part of caring for the unit.

While there are many makes models to choose from, I choose the Weston Pro-2300 model because it had a stainless steel shell, the 2100 is identical but has an enamel finish for about fifty dollars less. Weston now has the Pro-3000 model which is the Po-2300 with a visible vacuum gauge and an adjustable seal timer. Vac-Master also makes some lesser priced heavy duty vac-sealers for a little over $200.00.

I have had the Weston for over 3 years now without incident, sealing 10 to 20 bags a week depending upon activities for that week. The downside of the Weston is that it has a very large footprint and weighs about 40 (or more) pounds so it does not store easily unless you have a second kitchen or private prep area where you can leave it out all the time.

The Weston unit seals appears to be twice as wide as FoodSaver, and it seals flawlessly with liquids or food residue present. I have never had a weak or faulty seal with the Weston Pro-2300. The Weston bags are rated food safe for use in boiling water and they are also dishwasher safe. I have never reused bags, but many others have said they have washed and reused bags.

The marketing for some sealers is geared toward recurring sales of sealing bags. they make much more from sales of the bags than from the machine. They lead you to believe that you save money by purchasing their bags on sale, but they won't tell you that other bags of the same size are compatible with their sealer. FoodSaver regularly has sales on their bags and rolls which give you up to 50% off if you buy in volume. The sale price even at 50% off is still higher than the normal prices of Vac-Master and Weston brand bags and rolls. When you compare the prices of other micro-channel bags to FoodSaver, you will save a great deal of money.

I pay $9.99 for 100 pint bags 15.95 for 100 quart bags. Weston Pro Series will also seal the 15" X 18" bags which will easily seal 2 - 3 pulled pork butts. Weston will use any brand of micro-channel vac-seal bags including Foodsaver and Vac-master. Vac-master and Weston bags are so cheap they make the use of rolls to save money an antiquated choice. However the use of rolls is still a great choice for sealing whole racks of ribs and other long items.

But don't be misled here, no vacuum sealer likes liquids, and liquids can damage the unit if it gets into the vacuum chamber. This is even true with both FoodSaver the Weston Pro, and many others. Chilling soups, stews, and chili for a few hours makes sealing these items easy without incident. You also have the manual seal button which you can press if liquids start to flow into the collection tray before they can be sucked into the the vacuum port. You can also freeze the liquid in a shallow dish and then put the frozen item into the bag and Vac-Seal. The only unit that does well with liquid content is the vacuum chamber sealer which draws the air our of the chamber rather than the bag. But the price of a chamber sealer is usually cost prohibitive, even for the seasoned vac-seal user.

The best advice I can give you, is to do your homework before you buy, Compare, compare, and compare again!!! The final decision is yours and only you will have to live with your choice, whether it be good or bad. In today's market a higher price does not always mean higher quality, but sometimes it is just an opportunity to make a greater profit from an uneducated customer. A higher price does not always mean a better unit, that's why it is important to do your research.

Yes, sometimes you get what you pay for, but without research on the different units you could also wind up a lot less that what you paid for.

Cheap Vac-Seal bags

Brethern Review of the Weston Pro-1100

Comparison of various Foodsaver Models

Chamber Sealer

Weston Pro 2300
[ame=""]Weston Pro 2300 Vacuum Sealer Review - YouTube[/ame]
I put a Weston 2300 through some serious work over the last couple years. sealing ~50 bags in an hours time after each contest alone. I have replaced the seal tape and foam, but this machine keeps kicking. I cant recommend them enough.
My wife has given me the OK to purchase a vacuum sealer, primary uses will be for food/meat/que storage and sous vide. Looking at a max budget of $375.00 so a chamber sealer is not an option. I have been looking at online reviews and none of them based on recent reviews have impressed me. Looking at the Weston pro 2300, Vacmaster 350 or 380, Foodsaver 4400 or 4800.

Is it worth the extra bucks for 15 - 16 inch sealer bar? Any recommendations appreciated.

I have the Weston 2100 (dual piston pump) and would also recommend the Weston 2300 to you. Although the enamel finish stays clean, the stainless steel just looks so much nicer.

As far as the extra bucks for the 15 - 16 inch sealer, I think it is worth it. I like to flatten the contents of the bag to make reheating easier and quicker. A large bag will easily hold over 5 pounds of pulled pork with room for more. I also seal large whole cooked pork butts and large pieces of brisket, so for me it's almost a necessity. like someone posted above, what are your needs. If you don't need it then look at something else, but it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
I got and wore out a Foodsaver after moderate use, then got a Weston 2300 - I don't foresee ever needing to get another vac sealer - great unit.
I'm the seller of the PRO-2100 in the for-sale forum. Read the story of it there.

Re 15" vs 11" I would not want the 15" primarily because the 11" already ties up a big chunk of counter space, which is at a premium in our kitchen.

YMMV, but I don't have much need for 15" bags. Mostly I use 8" roll material to package up meal-size ribs, brisket, & non-BBQ food. I just smoked a couple of commercial corned beef chunks and did use the 11" roll for those. A long piece of 8" roll would easily handle a rack of rubs. Something like a whole chicken or a small brisket might need the 15". The 15" would also be handy for dry-curing a whole pork belly but I usually cut them in half to suit my cold smoker anyway.

So the decision really depends on available counter space and what size food you expect to be packaging.
Thanks for all the reply's some great advise, I think based on my needs and the majority of what I will be sealing wont need a 15" or 16" seal bar. I agree a wider sealing bar and dual pump makes sense. So I have decided on the Vacmaster Pro350 from Vacuum Sealers Unlimited they have it for $237.97 with free shipping and no tax for me. I had seen from other Brethren post good things about this company.

Again thanks for all the advise and perspective.
Mike, I've been totally thrilled and satisfied with my "manual" Foodsaver. When I was looking for it, early reports of the newer "automatic" models gave them low marks for being able to properly sense when the bag was inserted.

With the "manual" model I have:
*I seal one end.
*roll out the length of bag I need.
*use the built-in bag-cutter (nice :)).
*fill the bag.
*place the open end at the proper position for sealing.
*close the lid.
*press the button and either wait for the vacuum process to complete, at which time the seal mechanism is started...
*...or press the button to prematurely stop the vacuum process and seal the bag. This is useful if I have a Maasdam/Swiss cheese with holes/eyes that I do not want to compress. Also useful for sealing anything you don't want to be crushed. ;)

Very clean and efficient. Good control over the process and no need for "automatic" function.

What did I ever do before the internet my smartphone my FoodSaver?
I have a Weston Pro 2300 and it works well. Built like a tank, too.

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