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Knows what a fatty is.
Nov 25, 2009
Philadelphia, PA
Pork Ribs

Smoked Pork Ribs


Ribs are prepped by trimming up St. Louis style, removing membrane then coated heavily with rub the night before, no mustard, I have cut back on the black pepper in my Rib Rub because of how much rub I use on the ribs, it was a bit spicy for some of the family.

St. Louis Style Video

So far the best luck with the ribs have been a modified 3 - 2 - 1

  • -3- Smoking at 225° for a maximum of 3 hours uncovered in a rib rack.
  • -2- Place in a steamer pan, bone side down and foil for 1 hour 40 minutes.
  • -1- Then remove foil and smoke another 40-45 minutes.

I was getting a bit annoyed at how much juice was lost after removing the foil, so I decided to leave the ribs in the pan for the final part of the cook, foil removed, and as you can see from the above photo, there's no loss of juices.
I just mix the juices from the pan and barbecue sauce as it's brushed on the ribs.
I have also had better success with using a rib rack as opposed to laying the ribs flat.

This gives me ribs that are easy to slice clean without tearing the meat and mangling the rib.
The result is pull of the bone clean just where you bite into it without the whole piece of meat coming off in 1 shot and slapping you upside your chin.
My previous Rib cooks, the ribs were good but slightly dry on the outside (thicker bark formation), making it hard to slice through cleanly and the meat all coming off in one shot, however, there are some that prefer it that way!

The ribs are cut down, brushed thoroughly with BBQ Sauce and the juices in the pan and served in a steamer pan.
The ribs will go a good part of the day wi
thout drying out.

Rib Cook 04/23/2011

The family was wanting some ribs, so I threw some spares on "Frank" with some Chili, Japs and Dino eggs.
For this smoke I used Kingsford Original Charcoal as a main fuel source, this was actually a test run using charcoal on "Frank".

Since the majority of the Family likes fall off the bone ribs, (I prefer a bit of tug), these were cooked the standard 3 - 2 - 1 method at about 225° - 250° for a good 6 hours, I prepped and rubbed the Ribs just prior to placing them in the smoker.

After I got the charcoal going, added a split of cherry, left the firebox door open until the split settled down a bit and threw the ribs in the smoker on a rib rack, setup the Maverick ET732 and went upstairs for a little break before starting my Meatsapalooza Chili.

The photos above show my method for rubbing the ribs,(ribs are trimmed St. Louis style).
I have found this to work best for me, many will use mustard because of the instant sticking power of the mustard base, however I see no need for it, (but use it if it makes you happy), the ribs will sweat from the rub and stick just fine within an hour

  • -3- Smoking at 225° - 250° for a maximum of 3 hours uncovered in a rib rack.
  • -2- Place in a steamer pan, bone side down and foil, smoke for 2 hours.
  • -1- Then remove foil and smoke another hour.

A steamer pan was placed on the reverse flow plate just below the ribs to catch any drippings, believe it or not you really wont catch much the first 3 hours, you will get most of your juice from the foiling.

Ribs were spritzed several times after the first hour.

After the first 3 hours the ribs were placed bone side down in the steamer pan then foiled, you do not need to add any liquid but many will still add some to the foiled ribs.

Two hours later the foil was removed and the ribs were cooked another hour in the pan with no foil, you can rotate the ribs after a half hour (moving the bottom ribs to the top that are covered by the top ribs)

One hour later the ribs are removed and allowed to rest up to a half an hour before slicing.The ribs were cut down, brushed thoroughly with Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce and the juices in the pan.

The ribs were good, the family loved them I was just about to run a rack over to my neighbor when Sam, my younger daughter came in with a bunch of friends... so looks like my neighbors out of luck, they loved the ribs and the Meatsapalooza chili.
I don't think these kids ever had ribs or chili before.
I was a little surprised on the smoke ring since I primarily used charcoal, I would have imagined lesser of a ring.

My notes on this cook
I would not cook them this way for a party where they would sit in a steamer pan for any lengt6h of time, I would use the modified 3 - 2 - 1 illustrated in the beginning of this page, they were good for dinner but as far as left overs go, they dry out pretty quick, about 2 - 3 days and they're tough, still tasty but tough.
I don't care for such a huge pull back either but then again these ribs were to satisfy my family and not me, I am the black sheep.

Rib Cook 5/23/11

Rubbed and Resting
Into "Frank" on the rib rack
Almost There

Almost there
Ready for foiling Vacuum Sealed and into the freezer for next weeks camping trip
