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is Blowin Smoke!
Aug 21, 2008
Katy, TX
Earlier this week I picked up a nice 9.9# Prime brisket from HEB at $2.99/pound. With some time off, it was just a matter of when. Today was the day.

Since I had no other pressing matters and no specific time the brisket needed to be ready, I didn't set the alarm at all last night. This morning at 7:40 I got up and started getting things ready at the crack of 8:08 AM. Get some Weber briquettes going in a chimney, prep the WSM for use. Once I got that all assembled (foil wrapped saucer in pan, 3 good chunks of oak), I made up a batch of rub (SPOG+) then trimmed that brisket. Took off about 2.3 pounds of hard fat. Here it is all rubbed down:



I put it in the smoke at 9:25, the dome thermo reading 280 (I also had a digital running, and it ran pretty parallel).

At 1:55 I took my first look. Nice medium brown color, internal temp was 166. Lots of resistance to probe, of course.

At 2:50 I checked and felt it was not ready for wrapping. Stirred the charcoal a bit.

At 3:35 there was less resistance when probing, internal temp was 186, and the color was nice and dark. Wrapped it in butcher paper and put it back in.

A 4:50 check indicated it wasn't yet ready. But at 5:50 most probe tests were very tender, while a couple of tries had mild resistance. The internal temp was 208. I pulled it.

I set it out on the kitchen counter and loosely draped some foil on top. Here's that meteorite right here:


At 6:45 the internal temp was under 175, so I wrapped it in foil and set it in the oven (which was off) to rest for a bit.

About 8:00 I started slicing it up. Here are the first slices of the flat:


A few sample bites and I was real pleased with it. Very happy with the rub I have arrived at, nice level of smokiness, moist and tender. Yums. Here is a bend-test photo:

Maybe not a full bend, but I was happy. Here are a couple showing the point and the whole mix.


That point was just an explosion of wonderfulness!

So I am very happy with my brisket game at this point. Want to keep improving but at the same time I seem to be consistently turning out a nice result. Man it has taken a long time, and this forum has helped tremendously.
208 is up there but it goes to show you every brisket is different. My biggest fault was always pulling too early and I finally convinced myself to try and leave one on too long......probably the best one I ever made.
looks good. thanks for the timeline

Thanks, hombre. I know it has helped me tremendously to see "what happens and when" in folks' posts, so I try to contribute however I can to the collective body of knowledge.

And thanks everyone for your kind words! Brisket is good, yes? :razz:
@aks801 .... What's the (+) in your SPOT+?

It's anything but original but here is what I am using for now:

3/4 cup coarse Black Pepper
1/2 cup Kosher sea salt
2 tbl onion powder
1 1/2 tbl garlic powder
2 tbl turbinado sugar
1/2 tbl Cayenne pepper

This is only the second brisket where I have used the sugar. The reason is that I recently tried the brisket at a local place that is very highly regarded and it is the best I've ever had. East Texas style. I can't place exactly how they season it, but I am suspecting sugar plays a role. So I am now using some. Who knows?

Smoke on....
Great looking brisket. Juicy tender nice smoke ring on the flat and well rendered fat on the point. Looks like a winner to me. I bet it tasted just as good as it looked.