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Babbling Farker
Jul 28, 2015
west virgina
Hey folks.. hope everyone is well and staying safe. Here's a little unexpected cook for you guys! As I was at the store stocking up on supplies I had to browse the meat section even if it was it was slim pickings.. Found a beautiful 8lb pork butt tucked away on the back of the shelf.

Why it is unexpected is because I knew I had two racks of STL Style ribs in the freezer I was going to thaw them out and cook this butt.. Buuuut.. realize when I filled my freezers I didn't take the time to rotate so now the ribs are buried in the freezer now.. Well I know I'm lazy so decided just to cook the butt alone! Weird normally I'm always cooking multiple things!

I have no plans on when to eat this.. so I set the silverbac to 225 and going to let it rock'n'roll all day.. I've never cooked anything at 225 til it was done.. I want to see if it does any "magic" to this butt. I've tried past few cooks on this cooker but I've always ended up cranking up the heat

Good news is.. Once it is done.. won't be lonely anymore! :thumb:
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Looks good - I've been a 275ish guy for years. Went 225* on my MAK overnight for the first butt on it, because I had no worries on timeline or tending the heat source. It was one of the best I've done. I'm sure the MAK had a hand in it, but the taste/texture were perfect.

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Looking pretty good only being 3-4 hrs into it.. Any other cooker I'd already have dark bark starting in spots.. this cooker keeps things pretty clean bark starts setting later in the cook..


As I mentioned before.. I don't like how this cooker is blowing so much ash around.. I've been told just to keep cooking.. the more I cook the better it gets as the cooker starts gunking up.. how is that suppose to happen when I'm cooking above the grease tray? LOL

But here's a picture of what I'm talking about.. this was happening with the jerky batch, and just about every other cook.. I'm not sure if this is normal.. safe? I have no clue LOL... I'm sure I don't even wanna know how much ash and stuff gets blown around in the offset and stuff tho.. So I guess its fine lol You guys know me.. I'm just a paranoid cook.. and YES.. I do clean the ash out of the cooker before each cook or after.
So I'm 6 hours in.. butt is at 165 IT.. I bought a pan specifically for cooking this butt.. But with this color.. I'm really curious to see what happens if I do no wrap.. I love with this grill I'm not creating a darker bark early on like the other cookers. I'm curious if I don't wrap until its done.. I'm hoping to rest in the pan and still get some juices out of it so I can pour over the pulled pork.

I did my first butt on the MAK unwrapped the entire time and it was absolutely great - let it ride and see how it turns out.

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Aaaaand.... BAM! Finished photo's.. Sorry got side tracked but decided to pan around 175.. Figured since I bought new aluminum pans for this cook might as well use 'em and try to speed it up a little bit. After it was done I let it vent and then covered with foil, then covered with a towel for 2 1/2 hours.. Just got done pulling.. Its by far the best pork butt I've cooked! Juicy all the way through!


Once the bone pulled out this piece fell off.. Thought it was perfect for a snack!



Thanks for looking! Hope everyone is staying safe.. All good here for now!