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Babbling Farker
Feb 29, 2012
San Berdoo, CA
For my mom Mother's Day is on May 10 every year regardless on what day it lands on. So on Saturday night around 11:00 we got dinner going. We got carried away talking and my grandmother was with us also. Nothing fancy here but my mom loves when I do this steaks.

Started with potatoes



Steaks go on.





Sunday we went out to BJs brew house for lunch with maribel and the kids



Here the special info for so cal members. The SoCal brethren bash is this Saturday 5-17

We are going hope to meet lots of you guys.

Here's the thread for the bash

Have a great week everyone.

Tony and Maribel

Here's an Instagram video of the cook. 15 seconds. Follow us on Instagram. It's on private so request us. :wink:
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Good looking cook Tony. FYI: Mother's day is the 2nd Sunday in May.
Please disregard date above.....Just now understood what you were saying. Sorry.
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Good looking cook Tony. FYI: Mother's day is the 2nd Sunday in May.

My mother is Mexican and so am I.
Over there is the 10th of May. Which works out for me because I get to spend the day with my mom on the 10 th and literally empty restaurants.

The second Sunday of May with my wife and fight the

I was cool tho I guess this Sunday no one wanted to go to a brew house for Mother's Day. Was having a drink within 10 minutes of arrival.
I got that after re-reading your post and edited with an apology. Sounds like a 2 day celebration for you every year!

It's all good brother. It works out former because I can dedicate a day for my mom and maribel.

My mother in law lives 2 hours away and we don't go over there. We send a gift.
Looks great. I have had the bash on the books for months until I found out it falls on the same day as a big sail boat race, a bbq comp, and my brothers graduation which I am going to. You guys will have fun though