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Oh I have plenty of balls. but to come out and call someone, by name a cheat, using race as issue, embelishing their application is not the Brethren way. So for you to come out and think and point fingers may be off course. Although, I don't disagree with any of that. We aren't supposed to throw fellow Brethren under the bus, as you did. And I will also beg to differ that these are innuendos, as they have appeared on blogs, on radio inrterviews and print interviews. So it's not like I am making anything up.

But to throw race into a INVITATIONAL contest is above a low blow. Why would anyone throw that in a major corporations face? If you cared so much about a contest, why would you jeapordize the future of the contest by writing the CEO, Diversity Officer and Corporation Counsel?

So do I have hatred for Harry? I don't even know who he is. Do I disrepect the actions that he has done over the last 2 years to cure his desires and needs? I certainly do. Why would I want any harm on a contest that means so much to me and my fellow Jack winners? He has disrepected the contest and whether you want to agree or not, that is fair. I know how I feel, how many of my fellow Jack winners feel and a good chunk of folks out on the circuit.

So that is why I do not name names. Will this post get deleted? Probagbly. Should it get deleted? Absolutely not when you are saying me and Alexa (??!!) don't have balls. You called us out, I didn't call anyone out.

Scottie, just to clarify things, my post was directed to Smokin Gnome. My only reference to you and Vince was your well known dislike for Mr. Soo and his actions in the past. I have talked to both you and Vince and would never allude to you guys not having balls enough to voice your opinions. And also, I never even mentioned Alexa, please reread my original post.

Scottie, just to clarify things, my post was directed to Smokin Gnome. My only reference to you and Vince was your well known dislike for Mr. Soo and his actions in the past. I have talked to both you and Vince and would never allude to you guys not having balls enough to voice your opinions. And also, I never even mentioned Alexa, please reread my original post.


Mr. Nutz, answer me this...where did I say anything about Harry Soo? I dont know him or you or frankly care about most of this political crud. Heck I wouldnt mind meeting Harry and taking his class. I was refering to a team that was in the Jack then not in the Jack and wether a team or some other factor determined their removal, which Scottie answered.
I think they didn't cook brisket Sal and that's why the Jack pulled back their invite. Really sucked for them, but it was probably the right call.
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I think they didn't cook brisket Sal and that's why the Jack pulled back their invite. Really sucked for them, but it was probably the right call.

Scottie, Am I remembering correctly when I say this happened after the draw and that the team also had a bung in another state that was removed because of this "invite"? not downing the Jack or anything, it was just something that came to mind last night.

thanks for the replies!
That sounds right. After the draw they realized the error. By that time they pulled Pigs bung for another state. Really sucked.
Correct. The contest in question had chicken, ribs and chefs choice. They were the wv auto and they dumped the nj gc. Following the draw, the jack ruled the wv out and so the team lost their nj bung.
I don't think it should ever get to that point that you have to police your chances to get into a qualifier. That is the responsibility of the sanctioning body and the reps, or so you hope. And one has to believe that if you are aware of a situation, that you aren't the only one aware.

Wow. You are an awesome person. That's character and u hope good karma goes with you. Amazing

Paul, I have to disagree with you here. Seeing as this is a Jack qualifying question there really isn't a sanctioning body or reps to enforce anything. That is all determined by the Jack people and in fact crosses over several different sanctioning bodies. All a rep can do is ensure that their respective bodies rules were followed.

As far as the second quote, while yes Robert is an awesome guy I think in this regard he's probably just average. I think that most Brethren would have done the same. I can't see you accepting an invitation you knew was not deserved either.
I get so damn sick of shaded accusations and innuendoes from people on this forum. If you wish to accuse a competitor of wrong doing then sack up and name him or her and the contest in question, Scottie and Vince lend no credence to this post since they have hated Harry Soo for years and will never recognize what he is capable of doing. Have some balls, say what you mean or get the hell off the forum.



The Mystical Auroa of the JD...Odds are way to long for it to happen, but if we were some how to get the Draw for the GC in Apex, someone esle will have to go for me, I just dont care!
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I am not trying to disrespect the Competition. I got to experience cooking it with a team in 2006. It is a Grand Event. It is in a nice Rural setting, we cooked in a park down by a creek, so picture-perfect setting. I got to go through the Distillery, a great experience & I got to go to Chickamauga. I relish those experience more then the accutal competition.

Maybe do to sites like this and the Internet, I blew it up way to much in my mind, but it is just a contest! Yes there are great teams, with many accomplishments, but they also set strange standards in my opinion.

If you win a certain amount you are in automaticlly, but if not you swing in the wind. It is said that you compete against the very best? Not sure I completely agree with that.

I mean no disrespect to Andy from CA, but last year he had 1 Bung in the draw. Slap yo Daddy had 7 or 8 and All Sauced up from CA had 5 or 6...Guss who won the draw? Is that the Best? To see two teams with a total of 12 - 14 wins not go, and a team with one go?

Like I said, I have been, the Dew is off the Lilly so to speak. I am not a good enough cook and we do not compete enough that I will ever have the opporotunity for it to happen again, but it is not a contest I aspire to return to.

I got into Competitions for just that reason, it is a competition. To me the American Royal is the place to test my Mettle against the Best. I am sure others feel the same way about the Jack...To each their own. Just seems like some want to pump the Jack up to be the El Darado of BBQ Competitions and I just dont share that opinion!