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somebody shut me the fark up.

Batch Image
Batch Image
Jul 25, 2012
Los Angeles
Name or Nickame
Last of my tallow batch before the reorder


Steak cut homemade fries in tallow


The steak


After rest


Sliced and served


I'm starting to like Mondays agan


Thanks for looking!
Now THAT's a steak and tater meal fit for a king, Sako!

I've yet to try the beef tallow fried fries, so I'm hoping you'll cook them for us when you come to visit soon. :boink:

Both of those look great. I usually don’t care for home fries, but those look real decent.
Thanks Richard!

It'd be my pleasure. I'm thinking soon brother. I'll be in touch.:clap2:

Now THAT's a steak and tater meal fit for a king, Sako!

I've yet to try the beef tallow fried fries, so I'm hoping you'll cook them for us when you come to visit soon. :boink:

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Both of those look great. I usually don’t care for home fries, but those look real decent.

Thanks Mike!

Tallow or lard make some of the crispiest fries with fluffy "innards" when done right. Good stuff!
Now that’s a steak and taters meal :clap2:

Thanks brotha!

Couldn't pass up a wagyu steak (crossbreed like SRF I'm sure but still amazing) on special at $21/lb from Bristol Farms. They're a quality small supermarket chain in SoCal that leave Whole Paycheck in the dust IMHO.
Steak looks awesome Sako.

You convinced me to give the tallow a try. It's on amazon with a 20% off coupon code for $23.99. Coming today, will try tonight.