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Okie Sawbones

Sep 3, 2013
Edgewood, TX
68 MOINK balls ready to go on the grill.


I finally came up with a recipe that the whole family enjoyed across the board. They turned out well and were very juicy.


3 pounds ground beef chuck
1 ½ pounds ground pork
2 ½ cups fresh breadcrumbs
1 ½ teaspoons crushed red pepper
1 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
6 large eggs, beaten with a whisk
1 ½ teaspoons garlic powder
6 Tablespoons Peppered Cow Rub
2 pounds thin sliced bacon, halved
The BBQ Rub for shaking
Swamp Boys Original BBQ Sauce
Hickory smoking wood

In a large bowl, mix the chuck, pork, breadcrumbs, red pepper, cheese, eggs, garlic, and Peppered Cow rub very well. Form meat mixture into balls roughly the size of golf balls. Wrap with one-half slice of bacon and secure with a toothpick. Refrigerate until ready to use, or freeze. Place the balls on a rack on a cookie sheet, and then give the balls a light dusting of The BBQ Rub. Place in your smoker at 325⁰ for 25 minutes, using hickory wood for smoke. Remove from the fire and dip the balls in Swamp Boys Original BBQ Sauce, or brush it on. Return the balls to the smoker for 15 minutes to let the sauce set and finish cooking. Serve hot.
I see they've actually amended the original rules to include home made meat balls, I didn't know that.



After careful consideration by the Governing Board of IMBAS the following rule change as been adopted, effective immediately.

1. MOINK Balls will be made with ALL BEEF meatballs, wrapped in PORK bacon. Seasonings, sauces and glazes are encouraged but not mandatory. In the past MOINK Balls were only made with pre-made, store bought meatballs. Due to the international appeal of MOINK Balls and the lack of availability, in some localities, of store bought pre-made meatballs, HOMEMADE meatballs will now be acceptable provided the meatballs are made with no other meat other than BEEF. The standard binding agents are approved. Keep in mind the beauty of MOINK Balls is simplicity. Don't get too fancy on the binders/fillers. (This rule change will forever be known as the NOSKOS Rule)

2. MOINK Balls must be cooked out of doors using a wood or charcoal fire. Balls cooked indoors or using a fuel source other than wood or charcoal can not be considered for certification. It is important to note that pellets that are made of wood are acceptable as a fuel source for MOINK Balls.

3. The use of the term MOINK Balls requires the proper capitalization.