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David- ya up for a roadtrip?
Dave can't make it unfortunately. He has to cook for something like 7,000 people that weekend.

Yeah, I'm obligated for a church 50th anniversary celebration! I really wish I could come up -- heck tickets are like $100 right now from St. Pete/Clearwater on ATA to Midway.

Oh well, maybe next year!!

Some of us peons can only afford one Bash a year, anyway. However, a road trip would have been GREAT!
Being that I'll be in the middle of a move, my attending is up-in-air. Shortly after moving to CA, I'll be having to spend quite a bit of time in MD/DC, so I'm not sure exactly where I'll be around that weekend to make sure I book a flight from the correct airport, let alone correct days/times :oops:
Once I know for sure I'll look into it. Might be a last minute booking.
Hey I'm looking at tickets right now. How would arriving at 3:02pm Friday and leaving at 2:06pm on Sunday suit you guys?

Hey Sept is way too far away for me to know what I'm doin', but I'd like to make it. Where the heck are ya again? Northern Illinois covers alot of territory (did they invent that there too)? :)
Would have enjoyed meeting you guys but I'll be in East Lansing rooting for the Irish over MSU. If you have one outside of the college football season I'm there. Checked it out on Map Quest and Morris is only 2 hours away.

One of my best friends (a Minister) just told me yesterday that he and his fiance have set a date to get married. SEPTEMBER 18th!!!!

I asked him if he was sure that was the right day. He said yes.

I asked him if he had considered other weekends. He said this was the day they chose.

I asked him if he talked to God about it. He said yes.

I asked him if he was sure he wanted to get married. He said yes.


I have to go. I promised I would be there for him. Besides, how often do you see a 40 year-old virgin get married? He has been celibate all of his life. Amazing to me.

Suffice to say I can't come to the bash. I'm happy for my friend, I just don't know if he's gonna stay on my best friend's list after making me miss the bash after I have been looking forward to it.

Even MrsMista was upset cause she knew how much I wanted to go. But she did give me the go ahead to go to Vegas with the West Coast Brethren team for the BBQ cookoff. I am so lucky to have her!!
willkat98 said:
Bigmista said:
Even MrsMista was upset cause she knew how much I wanted to go. But she did give me the go ahead to go to Vegas with the West Coast Brethren team for the BBQ cookoff. I am so lucky to have her!!

Give her your ticket.

MrsMista and Tbird can have a Sisthren Bash.

I hate weddings! If I'm going, she's going!
willkat98 said:
Party Pooper

yeah, and I was looking forward to rubbing....ahhh.....shoulders with her.

One Legged Run Mod


Did you ask the minister WHERE he is getting married?

I can think of no place better for a 40 yr old virgin (!) to get married than
at a Brethren Bash.

That seems like a win-win for everybody.
