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somebody shut me the fark up.
Jul 8, 2010
This is another really easy comfort meal I make from leftover BBQ. It is similar to one I posted here before, but with a different meat and more ingredients. This one has more of a Mexican flavor profile.

Today, the leftover BBQ was pork tenderloin smoked with charcoal and pecan wood on the kettle this past weekend.

I cut the PT into roughly half-inch pieces, making sure that every piece included some "skin" so every piece would have some BBQ flavor to it.

I sweated some yellow onion with a couple cloves of chopped garlic, added the pork, two cans of black beans, and a can (drained) of Rotel diced tomatoes and chilies.

For seasoning, I just used k-salt, fresh ground pepper, and about 1/2 teaspoon of cumin.

I let it simmer on low heat for a couple hours, to bring all the flavors together.

Perfect meal for tonight's weather, currently 14 degrees, or zero degrees with the wind-chill factor. Hot, filling, and just enough chili pepper heat to allow you to take off a layer of winter clothing.



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Looks great, how about over rice? :hungry:

This is great by itself, or served over rice. You can add grated cheese to it, too, if your are in the mood.

I am having it over rice, tonight. I haven't decided on "to cheese, or not to cheese."

You can also toss some uncooked diced onion on it, which I do when I can get good sweet onions. The onions I have on hand are pretty bitter unless you at least sweat them. If good, sweet onions are available, they add a nice flavor and texture to the finished dish.

Awesome looking meal.
I plan on making blizzard pulled pork stuffed tacos tomorrow evening as we all are going to be snow bound here in the boonies in Michigan.
Awesome looking meal.
I plan on making blizzard pulled pork stuffed tacos tomorrow evening as we all are going to be snow bound here in the boonies in Michigan.

Pulled pork is great for tacos. I do it all the time. Pulled pork is not all that different from Carnitas, a Mexican staple.

Oh, BTW, being a shoot from the hip cooker, the salt and pepper were just done to taste. I just added while cooking until I liked the taste.

You have to be more careful with the cumin. It can overwhelm a dish in a hurry. I used my hand-palm measuring spoon to measure out about a half teaspoon, and let it cook about an hour before tasting it. That amount was perfect, so I didn't mess with it. If needed, add just a pinch at a time. Cumin is a potent spice, IMO.

One of these days, I need to start writing down what I do in the kitchen. :laugh:

Mmmmmm.... looks so tasty! Thank you for the recipe Caseydog!
What do you mean by "sweat the onions" ?