Meat tax ‘inevitable’ to beat climate and health crises, says report

Like most things, they start with a grain of truth and the add some scare tactics.

I grew up in the agricultural and livestock industry. Sure some places and some people use bad practices but, that can be said of any industry or occupation.

As for people making bad choices, you can't legislate health or, tax people into living the way you want them too.

Obesity starts at the grocery cart and ends at the fork. Rarely is meat the only thing causing obesity. The same can said of heart disease and diabetes, though some people do have a genetic predisposition.

In my personal life, I was told salt, eggs and, butter was the enemy and the reason why I had high blood pressure in addition to being a stressed out 'kid'. Of course, this totally ignored my personal genetics. I didn't live the perfect life but, I also spent ~16 hours a day during the summer though Junior and High school farming ~1600 acres and spent the winter chopping ice so cattle could get a drink and feeding range cubes and hay so they prospered in harsh winter weather.

Too much salt is still bad, no eggs (none, zero, zip) for ~3 years made no difference, the savior margarine has ... on no ... transfats and, surprise neither of these made a difference in my personal health.

I totally get that I don't need 5K~8K calories a day of food to do hard manual labor like my ancestors to plant and harvest crops and, that it all needs to be fried for higher caloric intake due to lower crop yields so there is enough left for everyone else to get to have something to eat too.

Today, I don't saddle up my horse or hitch the mule team to the wagon. Driving around for 15 minutes in the Wal-mart parking lot to get a parking spot closer to the door and electric cart might have a little bit to do with things as well. Why walk to the mailbox when I can take my electric scooter, golf cart or, side-by-side?

These arguments all sound a bit like trying to solve air pollution by taxing gas powered weed trimmers.

Taxing and banning things has worked so well in other areas, why it will work in this regard is puzzling at best.

If the government beaurocrats and general do-gooders try to get people to quit eating animal proteins and start eating bugs, that is going to be a hard sell in most parts of the world. For many people, it would be similar to convincing a devote Muslim they should start eating pork because it is 'better for the environment.

I have been fortunate to travel a lot of the world and I have tried food that would be off-putting, or downright nasty, to many people that I thoroughly enjoyed. However, forcing people to do so through taxation or government decree by some foreign beaurocrat is going to get some pretty heavy pushback from people like myself.
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Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with your health. They just spend/give money away so fast they need more. They add taxes like that, because they are invisible to most consumers. Just like alcohol, tobacco, and gas taxes. You know what you are paying, but you don't see how much the government is taking. The question I always have when I hear of a new tax is, How much do you think you can take? At some point our government is going to have to realize, you have to leave the working man with some money, or he is going to quit working. As far as nutrition goes, the best book I have ever read on the subject is, Nourishing Traditions. It is a pretty common sense approach to food, based on whole, unprocessed foods.
Disagree on this point. Taxing the hell out of cigarettes got me to quit.

The tax was certainly motivating wasn't it. :doh: Smoking 1-1/2 packs a day got too expensive for me some 8 years ago.

I was just at the grocery store and the large pair of ladies in front of me had a case of mountain dew, box of cookies and 4 pounds of sugar in their cart with little else. No idea what they were making but there is no mystery at all as to how they got that large.

A twinkie tax of some sort would help them I imagine.
Mayor Bloomberg introduced the sugar soda tax in NYC . I believe it applied to sugary drinks 16 ounces and up. The unintended consequence was that consumers started buying two 12 ouncers and ended up drinking 24 ounces rather than just 16 !!

Ain’t gonna take my meat away. May have to start taxing air!!!
Disagree on this point. Taxing the hell out of cigarettes got me to quit.

"Sin" taxes can encourage you to modify your behavior.

And, yes I have a known a few people I considered 'tightwads' to quit because of cost. To me that was a personal choice they made, not one forced upon them as they still had enough money to continue smoking their life away. If it is taxed out of reach, it no longer is an option.

To me it's similar to; do I want a steak tonight or a burger and beer? It's a choice. If I only have money for the burger, there is no choice.
Mayor Bloomberg introduced the sugar soda tax in NYC . I believe it applied to sugary drinks 16 ounces and up. The unintended consequence was that consumers started buying two 12 ouncers and ended up drinking 24 ounces rather than just 16 !!

Ain’t gonna take my meat away. May have to start taxing air!!!

Been there with beer as well. No 'tall boys for you". Okay, how about 2 12oz cans? :crazy:

I lived in a Southern state that would not allow you to buy a single can of beer because you might drink it and drive so, instead they only allowed you to buy 6 packs for the trip home! :crazy:
Somehow, I smell some interwebz disinformation noisy panic here....

We'll all be OK as long as we change out the summer air in our tires for winter air....:p
Mayor Bloomberg introduced the sugar soda tax in NYC . I believe it applied to sugary drinks 16 ounces and up. The unintended consequence was that consumers started buying two 12 ouncers and ended up drinking 24 ounces rather than just 16 !!

Ain’t gonna take my meat away. May have to start taxing air!!!

Crook County here in Illinois passed a sugary beverage tax. It was for everyone's health. What did consumers do? They started shopping in the other counties, not only for pop, but while they were there they bought their groceries, filled up the gas tank... It was repealed Dec. 1st.
Fark em and feed em fish heads.

I've always said, it ain't what you eat, it's how much of it. I don't eat alot of fast food. When I do I can't help but notice that person that orders the largest sammie on the menu, upsizes it, adds a desert of some kind, then gets their bucket-of-diet cola. Like the diet cola makes it all better.
Crook County here in Illinois passed a sugary beverage tax. It was for everyone's health. What did consumers do? They started shopping in the other counties, not only for pop, but while they were there they bought their groceries, filled up the gas tank... It was repealed Dec. 1st.

One county over from me was 'dry'. The Bible thumpers proclaimed victory against the alcohol 'sins'.

Then they discovered people in their community still wanted their beer. Sales Tax revenues fell along with other business as people just drove 12 miles down the road to buy their beer, groceries, gas, fishing license, ...

Guess what? They repealed the beer ban and revenues picked up when people started going back to their local Wal-Mart and the local grocery store to buy beer, bread, clothes, vegetables, gas, and all the other things of normal life.