Maverick ET732 Question


is Blowin Smoke!
Jan 3, 2011
When using multiple ET732s in close proximity of each other, will they interfere with each other? I am hoping to use 4 of them at the same time at an upcoming competition.
Good question smokeyw.
I have used some other (cheap) thermos in my drum and ended up with all kinds of weird readings. I ended up only using 1 transmitter had 3 probes in in different cuts of meat. By switching the probes into the transmitter i had no more problems.

I would imagine if using 2 or more of any of the same units could make your head spin.
We use three of them no problem...just turn them on one "pair" at a time so they register correctly ..transmitter to receiver and then don't turn them off and they'll stay synched for months.
I have found they can cross sync because I have had it happen, but turn them on one at a time and you are good to go.