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Have always used Hellman's because that's what my mom grew us up on. Now days it's Hellman's Light.

Can't find a Dukes Light in the stores around here or I'd try it.

Use mayo almost everyday on sandwiches for lunch otherwise wouldn't worry about the light or regular.
Finally found some Duke's locally up here. I don't see what all the hoopla is about. Probably go back to Hellman's when this bottle is gone, or more likely just pick up whichever one happens to be on sale at the time.
Love tomato sandwiches, just had one for lunch. We can't get Dukes in this part of the country. We use Best Foods Olive oil based mayo. I think BestFoods is the same as Helmans.
Hellman's, Duke's, Kraft - whatever. As long as it's not Miracle Whip.

And I live on tomato sandwiches in the summer.
I don't use mayo a whole lot so it's Duke's on sandwiches and burgers. If we are using a lot like in potato salad or homemade ranch dressing we use Hellman's Low Fat.