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Quintessential Chatty Farker
Jun 3, 2010
Shawnee, KS
Here is my entry to the Memorial Day Throwdown.

Alright, I am still tired from the last two days. I cooked more food than ever before and my two drums performed like champs. I was cooking for a get together on Monday over at a buddy's house and he always wants to cook way too much since he lives in a cul-de-sac and the neighbors always stop by for food. Learning my lesson from previous cooks over there I decided to get started the day before.

I started off by cooking 2 prime briskets and a butt on Sunday.


While they chugged along on the UDS I made up a batch of Dr. BBQ's Italian Beef (no pics) which is always fantastic.


I wanted to try a full on butcher paper cook with the briskets but it was hot and they were cooking just fine on their own so I only rested them in BP to help preserve the bark.

Briskets before wrapping.



Brisket #1


Brisket #2




The points were cubed up and bagged to make burnt ends on Monday.


And the butt:




Commence Memorial Day cooking

I trailered all my stuff over to my buddy's house and got setup Monday morning.


I fired up my secondary UDS and started the day with a naked fatty, some SPAM, a naked venison fatty and a fatty FAIL! I tried to do a stuffed breakfast fatty but it just kept falling apart. Since I was busy and needed to get other stuff going I just made it into a ball and put it on some foil. It still came out as a tasty breakfast snack. The other fatties were used in stuffed peppers and such.


While that was cooking I fired up the primary UDS and prepped the chicken. I had brined a whole bird and some thighs the night before. The whole bird was spatchcocked and seasoned up with some Yardbird. Half of the thighs were rubbed with HDD and the other half had Yardbird.




While the chicken was cooking, the sausages came off the second drum and on went the burnt ends and Italian beef. I left the Italian beef covered to retain moisture as it heated up. I also threw on some HDD hot wings for anyone that said they liked hot wings :becky:



With all that on and the chicken getting close to being done it was time to prep the ribs. Once the chicken was off, the ribs and rib tips went on.




I was pretty happy at this point as all the main meats were cooked or cooking and it was only around 2:00. I will admit that I got a little lazy and the heat started to wear me down. Once the wings, burnt ends and Italian beef were done we did a couple batches of appetizers including moink BALLS, ABTs, stuffed pablanos, some smoked catfish, and this nifty little thing the GF came up with. Basically she slices roma tomatoes onto which she puts a fresh basil leaf and fresh mozzarella with a light drizzle of balsamic vinegar. Served on crackers, these are really good. Sadly I did not get any good pics of them :tsk:

Around 5:00 or so people started really showing up so we got all the food out for the feeding. The ribs were still on but everything else was ready to go. In all between adults and kids, I would guess that 35-40 people filtered through.





The ribs came off around 7:00 and everybody was stuffed. However, I still had one trick left up my sleeve. I had talked up this thing called a tri-tip to my buddies and their wives. I saved it to the end as I didn't want to share it with the masses (yeah, I cooked my farkin' arse off all day long so I am being selfish mod).

So, I fired up my newly built mini WSM. I have always thought that these cookers would be fantastic tri-tip cookers and I was right.



I smoked the tri-tip to 125 then took it off and wrapped it in foil for a short while. During this time I took the "smoker section" off the cooker and put the grate on the SJG. I left the lid off and let the coals get nice and hot. Then the tri-tip went back on for a couple minutes per side. It was then wrapped again and rested for a little while before slicing.



It was fantastic and everyone was a fan.

In all it was a very busy two days but it was fun to do and I look forward to doing it again.
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Dayuumm. That's a lot of food you pushed out. I'm absolutely starving now after seeing all that. Those farkers better have thanked you. Nice time management on that one. :thumb:
Holy crap, that's a pile of food! Everything looked great! How'd the HDD hot wings go over?

Wings were good. I made them with a ton of HDD so they were quite hot but the point came across for those that "wanted something spicy".